Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries With Somalia Being Ranked at The Bottom of List Again

Berlin October 16, 2015. Public Diplomacy and Regional Security Initiatives News.  Transparency International has been publishing annual Corruption Perception Indexes since 1995. Based on expert opinion frocorruptionm around the world, the Corruption Perception Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide (175 countries and territories). Results for 2014 have just beenlist 2 published and they once again paint an alarming picture since not one single country got a perfect score and more than two-thirds score below 50 on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).













Most corrupt countries in the world are North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Libya, Eritrea and Yemen while the least corrupt countries are all Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore and the Netherlands.

For Results Click Here

HAN & Geeska Afrika Online (1985-2015), the oldest free independent Free Press in the region, brings together top journalists from across the Horn of Africa. Including Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Oromo, Amhara, Somali, Afar and Harari. Plus, we have daily translations from 150 major news organizations in the Middle East and East African regions. Contact at




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5 Responses to “Eritrea Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries With Somalia Being Ranked at The Bottom of List Again”

  1. Nugus Solomon

    What strikes me is how Eritrea can be one of the most corrupt countries. We are the very least. I visited there this summer and the government works for the people. Building schools, hospitals, spending on defence and most importantly investing in agriculture so that we are self reliant and not dependent on the west for aid. Why? Because we are a proud nation who just relies on the people and the culture and no one else. And so going back to the post. The ranking is actually based on “expert opinion”. Which is not a fact. This “opinion” is done to destabilise us and to create negativity in the media with regards to Eritrea.

  2. I don’t understand how this world operate .We know countries like Cameroon and other countries where their presidents and other ministers own villas and private jets they are not in this list of corrupt countries.Not a single Eritrean official even the president own a private jet this would have been a good criteria for the scholars who came up with this fake report.Eritrean ministers their salary is known they take the same amount of money like other ordinary Eritreans.They live in in the neighborhood with their own people .I have never seen a single Eritrean official who owns a mansion or SUV where is this corruption Why always point finger at Eritrea just to turnish the image of the country only.Please do a thorough investigation then you will find out the truth rather than making a report by guess.

  3. I don’t understand how this world operate .We know countries like Cameroon and other countries where their presidents and other ministers own villas and private jets they are not in this list of corrupt countries.Not a single Eritrean official even the president own a private jet this would have been a good criteria for the scholars who came up with this fake report.Eritrean ministers their salary is known they take the same amount of money like other ordinary Eritreans.They live in in the neighborhood with their own people .I have never seen a single Eritrean official who owns a mansion or SUV where is this corruption Why always point finger at Eritrea just to tarnish the image of the country only.Please do a thorough investigation then you will find out the truth rather than making a report by guess.

  4. Moses

    I dont understand why RT are publishing this on thoer website in the first place? second why is the title of of the article specific on Eritrea? I though RT was against the single power imperialists who want to belittle and degrade countries like Eritrea and leaders like PFDJ(EPLF). Eritrea is the least corrupted country I know. and I have been in few others. we Eritreans are fighting for our independence still, our armed struggle is finished but our political independence is still going. and the only way we can achieve that is by self reliance. I hope Putin and RT and understand this and stand by the truth.

  5. these world s anfar truly coz you are only naming muslim country ad dat s pain indeed.corrupt people are owned. bt dnt make the fius of ears are not working sure eritia is not among those ad somalia tooo

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