Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Tigray government is a house divided leadership

Asmara  (HAN) November 27, 2020. Public Diplomacy and regional security update. The Federal National defense forces and the army  are now control vast tracts of territory in Tigray regional state, where they repeatedly attack even the regional Tigray capital Makelle and intensified the pressure Tigray region to replace the local leadership with new centrally imposed administration.

The outgoing Prime Minister Abey Ahmed Ali,  determination to drastically reduce the presence of the Federal National defense forces in Tigray from 35,500 to 20,000 troops plus Amhara Militias, the Tigray rebels  are not interested in a ceasefire that the South African president and African Union (AU) delegates  are desperately seeking. According to the Geeska Afrika Online sources, reporting from the scenes of the attacks and HAN noted that about one million people were forced out of their homes by the new offensive in Tigray, described by the Office of the Prime minister Abey Ahmed  as a ‘final push’ to eradicate the presence of the rebel leaders in Tigray-TPLF.

Sources added, In neighbouring North of Tigray State, Eritrean troops had carried out a large-scale ground offensive last week, to disarm and monitor TPLF rebel movement in the Northern border lines.The rebel leaders in Tigray are now in a strange position. Its Tigray regional state majority faces continuing resentment in Western Tigray -the Amhara ethnic groups, where attempts to quell resistance and uprisings have been unsuccessful. But, over the past decades, there has been growing disquiet in the Tigray-Amhara States dominated states, despite Amhara and Oromo being well represented in the Ethiopian National defense forces.

In western Tigray, two weeks ago, the Tigray led militia in western Tigray  conducted a terrorist attack on Amhara  town, Mai Kadra, killing 600 people. The Ethiopian Human rights commission said at least 600 people were killed in the town of Mai Kadra, responded with a massive attack backed by aerial bombings across Northern military zones in Tigray.

Locals in Tigray who fled into Sudan have little hope of returning home anytime soon. Thousands of homes and businesses had been levelled by air strikes and bulldozers, humanitarian aid, communication and services from the federal government was being cut, and security forces were asking residents to sign an agreement, taking collective responsibility for any TPLF militant presence in their villeges, before they return home.

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