Geeska Afrika Online
Sudan State sponser

Eritrea Supported Delisting of State Sponsors of Terrorism

Asmara (HAN) 20 October, 2020. Regional Security and Stability Initiatives for the Horn of Africa. Eritrean leader president Isaias Afwerki and his delegation Supported Delisting of State Sponsors of Terrorism for the Sudanese people and its leadership.

The Eritrean delegation led by Afwerki  met Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok as well as Vice-President Mohamed Hamdan Dugglo. The delegation congratulated the people and Government of Sudan on the country’s removal from the US list of “state sponsors of terrorism”.

According to Mohammed Alamin, Bloomberg, “President Donald Trump said in a tweet Monday that he intends to remove Sudan from the list after authorities agreed to pay $335 million in compensation to families of Americans killed in bombings in East Africa in the 1990s that Sudan’s previous government under dictator Omar al-Bashir was accused of supporting.

The delisting, which requires U.S. congressional notification but not approval, has been keenly sought by the transitional government that took over after Bashir’s ouster last year. It has previously said the U.S. tried to link the discussions with potential Sudanese recognition of Israel.”

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Regional States (Sudan, IRAN, North Korea and Syria) determined by the US Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act.




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