Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Sudan plans to supply Ethiopian Electricity to Asmara

Djibouti (HAN) May 10, 2014,  Sudan plans to supply neighbouring Eritrea with electricity, just months after Khartoum said it would buy power from Eritrea’s rival Ethiopia.  Sudan would initially buy 100 megawatts from Ethiopian electricity DAM. Eritrea is one of the world’s poorest nations, according to the UN Human development index.

The president of Eritrea and President Omar al-Bashir visited a key economic sites in Sudan. “I have come here to follow up a number of issues that concern our two countries,” Afwerki told reporters at Khartoum airport upon departure back to Eritrea.

Ethiopia is building the 6,000-megawatt Grand Renaissance hydro development which will be Africa’s largest when finished in 2017. In December, 2014 Sudan and Ethiopia inaugurated a cross-border electricity link to empower regional electricity companies, such as Eritrea, Egypt, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan.

The Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company has begun work on a 45-kilometre (28-mile) line between eastern Sudan’s Kassala state to Teseney, just over the border in Eritrea..

The announcement came during the second day of an official visit to Khartoum by Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki.

Issaias and his Sudanese counterpart Omar Al-Bashir discussed economic cooperation “especially with regard to the electricity power linkage”, SUNA reported earlier.


Salih Abdalla, director of the Operation Department of Sudan’s Electricity Corporation, said that the corporation has actually started implementation of the two presidents’ directives with regard to the electric linkage between Sudan and Eritrea.

He added that the Eritrean president’s visit would boost economic cooperation between the two countries in addition to the cooperation in fields of joint programs and capacity building.

Sudan tries to maintain a balanced relationship between Eritrea and its enemy number Ethiopia.
Bashir and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn opened a 321-kilometre line between Gedaref power station and Ethiopia’s Amhara state, news agencies  reported.

Meanwhile: The Eritrean group of 30 was arrested near the Libyan border in early February and held for three months without charge and without access to the United Nations
Because of Isyass visist, Eritrea oppossition say the number deported are morethan 45 Eritreans, including at least six registered as refugees, back to their homeland where they risk detention and abuse

Picture: Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki shakes hands with officials next to his Sudanese counter part Omar Al-Bashir  at Khartoum airport.  Ashraf Shazly, Khartoum, Sudan




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2 Responses to “Eritrea: Sudan plans to supply Ethiopian Electricity to Asmara”

  1. Some innocent ethiopians without knowing the attitude of he majority of eritreans comment for eritreans to rejoin ethiopia.I my self being an ethiopian have lived in eritrea for 6 years during the derg time as a professional business man. I have understood practically that the majority of eritreans donot pretend to be ethiopian and they totally have a bad image for ethiopia and ethiopians.
    Please ethiopians we have avery good potentia land rich country in every aspect.Lets not comment for the eritreans to rejoin is better even to be 2000 km far away from them.

  2. Yesak

    The big goal of eritrea was to use ful resources of ethiopia and that goal had became dreams….funny ha.. They know they can’t live with out us…& we don’t need them anymore….

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