Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea Says It Killed 200 Ethiopian Troops in Border Clash

A further 300 Ethiopian soldiers were wounded, Eritrea’s Information Ministry said Thursday in a statement on its website. The tolls are “conservative estimates,” it said. Ethiopian Communications Minister Getachew Reda didn’t answer two calls and a text message seeking comment.

The fighting erupted in the Tserona region, about 74 kilometers (46 miles) south of Eritrea’s capital, Asmara. Ethiopia’s government, which has accused its neighbor or sparking the fighting, said it “seriously weakened” Eritrea’s army and warned against further acts. It hasn’t given a death toll of its own.

Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after decades of armed struggle. The two countries fought again in 1998-2000 over the disputed territory of Badme in a war that left an estimated 70,000 people dead.

A United Nations boundary commission ruled in 2002 that Badme belonged to Eritrea. Ethiopia has rejected that ruling and still occupies the town. UN peacekeepers monitored a cessation of hostilities until they were withdrawn in 2008 because of what the global body says were “crippling restrictions” imposed by Eritrea.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his deputy on Wednesday urged both governments to “exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any act or statement that could exacerbate the situation,” Ban’s office said on his website. Both countries should use peaceful means and ensure the full implementation of a 2000 peace agreement, they said.





2 Responses to “Eritrea Says It Killed 200 Ethiopian Troops in Border Clash”

  1. yosef

    Thats frightening images above. Instead of living in peace as neighbors, Ethiopia examined the conflict again and again. with certainty, there were victims on both sides. the World Community should swiftly resolve the frontier conflict. it is incomprehensible that Ethiopia does not recognize the Border demarcation. again we hear from Woyane side that they recognize it, but they are looking for a dialogue with Eritrea.what is supposed to be a dialogue?. there’s nothing to talk, just leave eritrea in peace and get out of occupied territories . Ethiopia has enough internal trouble that should solve it and do not beat drums of war. The EDF (eritrean defence force) of 2016 is not like the EDF of 1998 but equipped with every thing a Modern Army can equipped with despite the total embargo. and the dream of asseb has faded. thus a cooperation in eye level is appropriate. Eritreans are not averse with Ethiopia to live in peace.

    Bless peace loving people of eritrea and ethiopia

  2. axmed

    Afewerki is happy for having killed 200 people -orphaned 700 children and created widows and parents who are suffering the loss of their loved ones . Congratulations Afewrki .

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