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Eritrea: Annual rankings, warning of “a new era of propaganda”, Reporters Without Borders

PARIS (HAN) April 20, 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. World press freedom deteriorated in 2015, especially in the Americas, advocacy group Reporters Without Borders said on Wednesday as it released its annual rankings, warning of “a new era of propaganda”.

The world press freedom index ranks 180 countries on indicators such as media independence, self-censorship, the rule of law, transparency and abuses.

SA’s ranking was stable at 39 and its score ticked up very slightly, going against the general trend.

This year’s index recorded a decline in all parts of the world, Christophe Deloire, secretary-general of the Paris-based group said, with Latin America of particular concern.

“All of the indicators show a deterioration. Numerous authorities are trying to regain control of their countries, fearing overly open public debate,” he said.

“Today, it is increasingly easy for powers to appeal directly to the public through new technologies, and so there is a greater degree of violence against those who represent independent information.

“We are entering a new era of propaganda, where new technologies allow the low-cost dissemination of their own communication, their information, as dictated.

“On the other side, journalists are the ones who get in the way.”

The situation was particularly grave in Latin America, the report said, highlighting “institutional violence” in Venezuela and Ecuador, organised crime in Honduras, impunity in Colombia, corruption in Brazil and media concentration in Argentina as the main obstacles to press freedom.

Among the lowest-ranked countries were Syria, at 177th place out of 180, just below China (176th) but above North Korea (179th) and last placed Eritrea.

Japan slumped to 72nd due to what the watchdog identified as self-censorship towards Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while Finland retained its top spot for the sixth consecutive year, followed by the Netherlands and Norway.

Namibia was the top-ranked country in Africa, at 17.




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4 Responses to “Eritrea: Annual rankings, warning of “a new era of propaganda”, Reporters Without Borders”

  1. Aaron

    What about Ethiopia?We Eritrea have a free speach and the other but We have no free to see porr film like wester.First moral.

  2. idont know whay we wary abaout this IDIOTS THEY TALK abaout ERITREA when their popet GOV ETHIOPIA is killing &arresting jornalist but they talk abaout ERITREA because ERITREA refuse to BOW to them like ather AFRICAN caountrys so they can talke SHIT we dont care

  3. bb

    Words cannot express the bitterness of life that we r spending under the brutal regime ….. despising our freedom of speech is the least out of the overall tortures we face on a daily basis. Our heroes fallen ,though we do respect them highly, for nothing but one man.

  4. axmed

    In Eritrea the government banned to watch movies , to eat ice cream , to read foreign newspapers , to sell western style hamburgers or sandwiches , to drink imported drinks including beer and hard liquor ( special preserve for the ruling gangs ) own more than two pair of pants or shorts , three shirts ( one for office work and one to wear when Afewerki visis our office or work site , two pairs sandals made out of use tires , and if you smoke cigarettes you are allowed to smoke one packet of local brands . Our beloved president owns only two dress shirts , two dress pants and coats ( to wear when he travels abroad ) He eats one meal a day to show his people he is suffering for them to feel their pain , ( what an exemplary Leader ) Long live our extremely optimum leader . The all knowing , the all hearing ( MUKHABARAT ) driven head of state , the envy of African heads of state who ca not figure it how he does it .

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