Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: President Afwerki called "To Enhance Role Ensuring the Sovereignty of Africa"

Asmara (HAN) February 25, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional political news. In an interactive diplomatic session held in Asmara with the heads of African Trade Unions and representatives of a number of International Trade Unions, President Isaias Afwerki called on the workers and their associations to enhance role aimed at ensuring the sovereignty and development of African countries.

President Isaias further said that currently the African and International trade unions have been in decline due to policy of domination of the super powers, and that trade associations should strengthen their organization in order to bring about positive changes that benefit workers.

During the interactive session the heads of African Trade Unions and representatives of the International unions expressed resolve to strengthen unity and struggle to overcome the challenges they are facing.

At the occasion Mr. Francis Atwoli, President of OATUU, explained the objectives of the OATUU, and that the 11 points presented by the Government of Eritrea sighting the objective situation of workers and the solutions for the challenges they are facing would greatly help for strengthening the African workers movement.

Tekeste Baire, Secretary General of the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers, on his part indicated that at the Organization of African Trade Union Unity symposium that has been underway from 23 to 24 February, at Asmara Palace 48 heads of African Trade Unions, as well as representatives from Chinese Workers Federation, three Italian Workers Federation and Turkish Workers Federation participated. EIM

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8 Responses to “Eritrea: President Afwerki called "To Enhance Role Ensuring the Sovereignty of Africa"”

  1. stere milki

    Is he joking? who made him a representative of Africa? He can’t even represent him self let alone our beloved country, that he se currently destroying beyond recognition. what a full mad man. He will join his friend Gadafi very soon. the same way I must add.

  2. axmed

    Milki : You mean Samuel Do’s way. I think that is what he deserves. The faster the better.

  3. Alem K.

    This sounds like an abusive husband becoming a marriage counselor or a thief becoming a security guard. It is laughable to hear the criminal murderer and thief ISAYAS AFEWORKI, talking about positive change and the sovereignty of Africa. What the delusional mad man forgot is, change starts within and it is something you got to start in your house, neighborhood, city and country. You can speak about positive change only and only when you lead by example and with integrity, and then your deeds will speak louder than your preaching. It is impossible for others to follow you when you are unelected tyrant, killing and torturing innocent people indiscriminately, isolated from the world community and stealing millions of your countries treasure.
    We can not keep on blaming the decline and decaying of Africa on colonialism and superpowers and everything under the sun, rather it is because of criminal tyrants (kangaroo liberators), murderers, thieves and liars like ISAYAS AFEWORKI, ROBERT MUGABE and several so called decaying leaders in Africa.

  4. Alem K.

    Eritrea: Human Rights Watch 2014 (posted on Jan 23rd 2014 by Samuel N.)

    “Eritrea is among the most closed countries in the world; human rights conditions remain dismal….

    Eritrea has no constitution, functioning legislature, independent judiciary, elections, independent press, or nongovernmental organizations; it does not hold elections. All power is concentrated in the hands of President Isaias Afewerki, in office since 1991.

    … Eritrea conscripts all men and unmarried women into “national service.” … most conscripts serve for much of their working lives.

    … Since mid-2012, all men in their 50s, 60s, and 70s are compelled to perform militia duty…

    Thousands of ordinary citizens are arrested and incarcerated without charge, trial, or opportunity to appeal, and without access to family, lawyers, or independent prison monitoring organizations. While some are freed without explanation and warned not to speak about their detention, most prisoners remain in jail indefinitely.

    … Since 2002, the government has jailed and physically abused citizens for practicing religions other than the four government-controlled or recognized religions.

    … The government maintains a complete monopoly on domestic sources of information”

  5. Ade, from Ghana

    Africa need more presidents like him, This is my second time I am hearing about him, Looking forward to see him one day. Our company’s (Chief executive) planning to visit Eritrea this year we have already given the entry visa….. I can not wait to see the country and learn some thing useful to take back to Ghana.

    From Ghana.

    1. Alem k.

      Dear Ade…..While you are enjoying meeting the dictator don’t forget to visit some of his unique creations, the notorious underground dungeons where thousands of our innocent Eritreans are decaying and dying a slow death. Might as well since you seem to be very impressed about his tyranny pls make sure to include on your visit the concentration camp of SAWA where our youngsters molded to be slaves and uneducated robots. Hopefully at the end of your trip you will take the cold murderer with you to Ghana so he can transform your country into tyranny.

  6. Eritrean

    Alem K. is a woyane operative form the minority goverment of Ethiopia. Don’t listen to anything this person says.

  7. Eritrean

    Go look up Isaias Afwerki 1970’s 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990 etc etc etc.. The man has NEVER ONCE broken stride. Always consistent always truthfully (sometimes too blunt even)., but that is Eritrean male society much like our women we don’t like to mince words we get strait to the point. When i see Isaias., he reminds me of all my martyred family members., all the family serving in one capacity or another back home. He always leads by example!.

    Don;t be fool by the idiots that post here they are relentless cause we are not a western military base and we have our own mind to think and do with our country as we please.

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