Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Intelligence Briefing by The Director of National Security

Djibouti (HAN) June 2, 2014 – Edited by capital Eritrea news: Head of National Security briefing Statement.  Remarks by Brigadier General Abraha Kassa, head of the Office of National Security of the State of Eritrea at the Preparatory Meeting for the Regional Conference on Human Trafficking and Smuggling in the Horn of Africa, 21 May 2014, Khartoum, Sudan

Let me start my remarks by thanking the Govern-ment and people of the sisterly Republic of the Sudan for their traditional warm hospitality extended to me and my delegation since our arrival in this beautiful city of Khartoum.I would also like, at the outset, to express Eritrea’s appreciation to the AU-led initiative to combat human trafficking and smuggling in the Horn of Africa Region. This preparatory meeting is one ina serious of activities that have been going on since the inception of the initiative in 2012. My country has been actively participating and contributing to the process from the start.Following this, I will try to briefly share Eritrea’s views in regard to the problem of human trafficking and smuggling, the efforts undertaken by Eritrea to combat and prevent these heinous crimes, and some ideas on the way forward.
The Challenge of Human Trafficking and Smuggling in Eritrea
The migration of Eritreans is not a phenomenon driven by an economic pull factor as it is usually the case in our contemporary times.This is in fact a deliberate case of human trafficking conceived and orchestrated by the United States with other collaborating states,organizations and agencies.
The scheme is politically motivated and carried out under a meticulous plan. It forms part and parcel of the war declared against the people and nation of Eritrea.
The main purpose of the scheme is to degrade Eritrea’s human resources and capital, demonize the Government of Eritrea and undermine its efforts to seek justice and remove the occupation of its sovereign territories. The transparent ploy is designed to stifle Eritrea’s voice and deflect international attention from Ethiopia’s breach of international law and infringement of Eritrea’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


Eritrea: Efforts to Combat and Prevent Human Trafficking

The Government of Eritrea has deployed a multifaceted approach to combat and prevent human trafficking and smuggling as well as to assist the victims.
The people and Government of Eritrea have redoubled their diplomatic, political, and economic efforts to foil the hostile activities organized by the U.S. Administration and its collaborators.
Awareness raising – Eritrea has undertaken a comprehensive campaign on the national media and other public fora strongly featuring trafficking victims, their families and communities.
Prosecution of criminals – Eritrean Government law enforcement agencies and local communities are actively working in identify-ing and apprehending the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to justice.
Support to victims – Eritrea opposes any stigmatization of victims of human trafficking and provides them with all possible assistance. Eritrean diplomatic missions and communities in the countries of destination provide them with consular services and other assistance they may require.

Eritrea has been consulting with the Sudan, Egypt and other relevant countries on migration and other related issues.

The Government of Eritrea has made several diplomatic demarches and sent official letters to protest and oppose and seek remedies to this transgression.

In 2004, the GOE sent demarches to the UNHCR and a number of European countries who were instigating the mass migration of the members of the Kunama ethnic group under the false pretext that they rep-resented a suppressed minority group.

The  GOE has likewise sent letters to Libya-during the Qadaffi years- to Egypt, Israel and the Sudan to protest and expose the network of intelligence agencies mired in this deplorable act. President Isaias has also sent a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon requesting the UN to launch a comprehen-sive investigation of the act through an independent, neutral and transparent body.

At the Extraordinary Session of the AU Assembly held in October 2013, Eritrea called on the AUC to study the root causes of the problem, and investigate the criminal networks in order to take collective action at the continental level.

The Way Forward

  • The crime of human trafficking that is perpetrated against the people and Govern-ment of Eritrea for ulterior political objectives should not be underrated or downplayed. The crime must stop and those culpable must be held to account.
  • The transnational nature of human trafficking and smuggling makes it imperative for states- origin, transit and host- to cooperate in the investigation of the criminal activities and in the prosecution of the criminals. Regional and international organizations, such as the AU and UN also have the responsibility to utilize their wide presence to collect information and undertake serious investigations into the crimes.
  • With this in mind, the GOE regrets that to-date there has not been any noticeable activity either by AU or UN in way of undertaking the investigations requested by Eritrea. I would like to use this opportunity to reiterate Eritrea’s call on UN and AU to investigate the crimes of human trafficking and smuggling in order to bring the criminals to justice. Mr. Chairman, In conclusion, I wish to express my delegation’s belief that the discussion we will have over these two days will lay a solid basis for the Regional Meeting on the subject planned to be held in the near future.

Thank You!


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15 Responses to “Eritrea: Intelligence Briefing by The Director of National Security”

  1. estifanos tesfahammes

    well you seems free from the crime by your words,but time will brief it sooner,Don’t sleep no one is out of law in this century.

  2. Stefanos Temolso

    Wedi Kasa makes me laugh! Isayas when once asked about the Arabs accusing Eritrea for giving Israel a base in Dahlak said and I quote: ” ኣዕራብ ዝኾነ ደስ ዘይብሎም ነገር እንተ ተፈጺሙ ነቲ ጕዳይ ናብ እስራኤልዮም ዘሳብቡዎ። ካልእ ይትረፍ ወዶም ኣብ ጀነራል እንተ ተሪፉ፡ ወድና ብሰንኪ እስራኤል እዩ ተሪፉ ይብሉ” ክብል ኣቃጪጩ። ኣብ ካልእ እዋን ኣብ ሜዳ ከለና ደርግ ብሰንኪ እቲ ዝሓለፈ ርዓት ዝገደፈልና በሰላ ይብል ስለ ዝነበረ፡ “ደርግ ንዅሉ ነገር ብሰንኪ ሃይለስላሴ እናበለ ክወቅስ እዩ ክነብር” ኢሉ ከናሹ ተሰሚዑ። Now what is the reason for wedi kasa and Isayas blaming America and Ethiopia for everything that went wrong in Eritrea. Even if the rainsy season is late it will be America that did so. America! America! America! xemam hade derfu zbhal kemzi iyu. Isayas xelam kebdu hamimu alo, areqi bzuH sle zseti iyu eti qendi miknyat ezi dma arki America kelown zgebro znebere iyu. Hji gn America sile tehriqo zela iyu zseti zelo, kem saebien dma kimewt iyu. Meskinay Isayas!!

  3. the mad man of eritrea he is always speak abuot america but instead bleaming the united state first he must now he is a big criminal and dictatorial regime. hoe killed a lot of his vrendes and inocent eritreanes .in 1970 until 1991 after eritrea became free countrey also many familie the are victimazed buy this brutal regime.

    those young generation erireanes also they killed and tortered everwere. and sailed like animales toe the Boduin in sinaai. where is the so called eritrea Governement.he cant speak about his poeple. When 350 eritreanes drowned in the Sea of Lampedusa he said the are Africanes .until now there are
    a lot of ertreanes under SEA the are not buried.

  4. Dawit

    The root cause of Eritrea is the regim in Eritrea.
    Where Eritreans where beaten and sold in Egypt,and the Sudan where were the
    embassies of pfdjian regime.
    The problem begins from Asmara Eritrea with officers of the regime with knowledge of
    the dictator Isias Afeworki.
    So how can we trust you now since you talke too much but in deed we see you day and night
    what you are doing.
    1.Ratifiy the constitution of Eritrea and Eritreans the 1997 constitution.
    2.Free the prisioners from 1991 there are thousands of Eritreans in underground prisons
    To who you are traying to fool now.
    Who are collaborating you now to do these things now.
    you are the worest criminals in the world.
    If the pfdjians you become free now.
    from now on word I do not belive any thing of world law.
    That’s it.

  5. Simerrr2012

    Does this so called General made the speech in English , Tigrina or orally addressed the people doubt this man can speak English and write Tigrina. Anyone who can able to read and write will not accuse the US for the poor people of Eritrea leave the open prison Eritrea. Do those old people and children communicate with US via satellite phone, Facebook , e-mail or other kind of social media? Oh I forgot to mention with the last snow in Eritrea…does CIA something to do with that…what about the last earthquake again CIA..a goat found dead in Adi begi…may be CIA something to do with that?

  6. the observer

    mr chief…get life…the world have found out why Eritrean and Ethiopians leave their beloved countries…I feel sorry for your bold face lies…by the way who are the audience any ways if they are the usual suspects…ha…ha…ha….

  7. Toms

    Let the Truth speak for itself.

    Finger pointing to USA, CIA, so forth is to deny taking responsibility for commiting your untold crimes against eritrean people, selling them to Bedewin, and making tons of money for mr. moron IA, monkey, kisha, china and the corrupy generals, and high ranking officials. Allow independent delegation to visit Eritrean jails of thousands and the truth will prevail who is resaponsible for the human traffiking, lawlessness, and brutality against innocent citizens who paid so much to secure this nation. Shame on you PIA babysitters, you cannot e care for your own people with the exception of your close family members. He is urinating his failthy alcholic urine in your skull and dumping it to your people instead of dumping back on the retared short memory lair.

  8. tekle

    wedi kassa I know you since long time how confident man you are. Even if it is true, at the time putting in jail for the G-15 and other followers you recommend to the president that was not the way to solve the problem. Why don’t you stick fast on your stand instead being watch dog of the dictator.

  9. Eritrean

    Looks like Abraha Kassa’s speech made every TPLF apologist pin-heads to go berzerk.

  10. Sarah

    What a shame! They are always doing it! exposing their weaknesses! how could they call themselves Govt officials? All this bragging of being strong! hardworking! etc!
    How stupid could Wedi Kassa stand in front of experts and claim that some country is trafficking people from his country on his watch???? Is he saying he is not fit for his job just as his colleagues are for theirs?
    Why would USA traffic Eritreans from Eritrea? because they have supernatural powers? vendetta?
    Is it really impossible for PFDJ to com up with some plausible excuses!

  11. Yoni

    why are we surprised with the regime who sings the same song for the last 23 years, it is in fact they know the reason young Eritreans who chose risks journey in the desert and sea rather dying at the hand of evil dictator. people of this cursed country are humiliated, beaten and starved to death, yet the international community chose to do nothing , apart the meaningless sanction , will not hit the pocket and the high lives style of this evil regime. one crucial step to put an end to this suffering , w e the suppressed people of Eritreans , will have to start a war and get rid the dictator and win our country back.

  12. Selam

    Mr. dictator seems to understand that his days are counted. He recently said he will start drafting a new constitution, as if there not one. What happen to that approved by the people and he signed it in 5/23/1997. The dictator knows and we know by NOW that he is a layer he goes with the wind till he…..Now days it seems that the International community is taking serious the issue of Human Trafficking, because Isayas was implicated in this through his criminal Generals, just recently he arrested about 30 close to him military ranks accusing them of Human trafficking. Isayas has a habit of treating the International community as if the are Eritreans. Mr. Dictator don’t worry much after they take the resources they need form our country they will come to you and you know it you are trying to show that you are clean with this issue. NO!

  13. areyou

    It really amusing the statement presentd by Abraha Kassa. Are you joking? Well I hope you know the situation in Eritrea. I hope you son or your daughter if the worst your brother or other family are subject of this trafficking?
    Mr. General, are you kidding, do you mean you do not know . when young children or adults picked by Government or Military Landcrousier four well drive, left asmara cross the bourder to sudan in One day paying thusands of Dollar??

    Are you joking? You can say that you have no power and you already dead? After 10 years it is the 1st time to come to media and speak about the country. Your power is took by Yemane Ghebreabm, spokes person of the country.
    Mr. General I am very sad for you and your friends? I am sorry for what you presented> You spke angainst you moral and value you paid for freedom.
    Then Who is doiong all this? You can say Mr. Isayas want t deplete all young man and women so the country will reamin like what is now?
    I very sorry for you and friends.

  14. yamane Ande

    It really amusing the statement presentd by Abraha Kassa. Are you joking? Well I hope you know the situation in Eritrea. I hope you son or your daughter if the worst your brother or other family are subject of this trafficking?
    Mr. General, are you kidding, do you mean you do not know . when young children or adults picked by Government or Military Landcrousier four well drive, left asmara cross the bourder to sudan in One day paying thusands of Dollar??

    Are you joking? You can say that you have no power and you already dead? After 10 years it is the 1st time to come to media and speak about the country. Your power is took by Yemane Ghebreabm, spokes person of the country.
    Mr. General I am very sad for you and your friends? I am sorry for what you presented> You spke angainst you moral and value you paid for freedom.
    Then Who is doiong all this? You can say Mr. Isayas want t deplete all young man and women so the country will reamin like what is now?
    I very sorry for you and friends.

    regards General

  15. Gebre Maskal

    “This is in fact a deliberate case of human trafficking conceived and orchestrated by the United States with other collaborating states,organizations and agencies.
    The scheme is politically motivated and carried out under a meticulous plan. It forms part and parcel of the war declared against the people and nation of Eritrea.
    The main purpose of the scheme is to degrade Eritrea’s human resources and capital, demonize the Government of Eritrea and undermine its efforts to seek justice and remove the occupation of its sovereign territories. The transparent ploy is designed to stifle Eritrea’s voice and deflect international attention from Ethiopia’s breach of international law and infringement of Eritrea’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” How come this idiot can’t stop it? He should be sacked and a competent person put in change.

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