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Eritrea Escapes U.N. Security Council Referral Over Human Rights

GENEVA (HAN) July 1.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. A U.N. investigation set up by the Human Rights Council said last month that Eritrea’s leaders should be tried for crimes against humanity, including torture, rape, murder and enslaving hundreds of thousands of people.
The investigators, who published a 484-page report a year ago detailing the crimes and the country’s use of a “vast security network”, recommended that the situation in the country to be referred to the International Criminal Court.
But the resolution on Eritrea passed by the Human Rights Council on Friday merely requested that the U.N. General Assembly in New York submit the investigators’ work to “relevant organs of the UN for consideration and urgent action”.
An earlier draft had said the General Assembly should involve the Security Council to hold wrong-doers accountable via the “appropriate international and/or regional criminal justice mechanism”.
The council did “strongly encourage” the African Union to mount an investigation and bring suspects to justice, but its treatment of Eritrea is more conciliatory than its actions against North Korea, subject of an earlier U.N. investigation.
The text of the Eritrea resolution, which was initiated by Somalia and Djibouti, was watered down after several countries – among them the United States and China – objected to the tough language.
At a drafting meeting earlier in the week, U.S. diplomat Eric Richardson said the Eritrea report did not have “the same level of sophistication and precision” as the report on North Korea and the United States could not support the language of the text without revisions.
Eritrea has rejected all the allegations in the U.N. investigators’ report. Ghebreab Yemane, an adviser to President Isaias Afwerki, told the council the resolution was unfair, unjust and a deliberate U.S. and European attempt to “ratchet up harassment of Eritrea.”
“Its grave consequences will not be limited to Eritrea but will engulf the entire region,” he said. “This resolution will be used and abused to fan the flames of war.”
Eritrea and its neighbour Ethiopia have both accused the other of sparking a border clash on June 12.
Yemane blamed Ethiopia for “some of the worst human rights abuses and massacres of its people”, saying it was ironic that Ethiopia could use the council to lobby for the adoption of the resolution against Eritrea.



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4 Responses to “Eritrea Escapes U.N. Security Council Referral Over Human Rights”

  1. Alem

    Regardless of the United Nations decision, the ultimate decision which makes the difference and which ultimately decides the direction of our Eritrea has been made already. Our Eritrean people throughout the world in unison made the decision to reclaim our Eritrea, implement our constitution, stop slavery, stop torture, stop rape, stop theft, stop tyranny and remove the criminal regime of ISAYAS AFEWORKI and replace it with a democratically elected government.
    I know the blood thirsty ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his blood soaked gangsters are intoxicated with power and blood and I know they are stupid enough to realize the reality on the ground, but it is undeniably clear, more than 80% of our people rejected the tyrant and his delusional and failed policies and their days is numbered.
    For an extended period of time our people including those who live in the free world were crippled by fear, they were not willing to share their name, not willing to show their faces and were intimidated to express their opinions freely and wouldn’t dare to call the devil by his true color and nature a narcissist evil. Geneva 23rd was a turning point, our Eritrean men and women, young and old, from every ethnic group and from our diverse faiths showed up more than 16,000 of them, on high gear to be on the front and give their voices and add their faces and names to the history of liberation and there is no turning back.
    Fear of death has been the greatest ally of tyranny past and present.
    – Sidney Hook

    “Within a system which denies the existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day. Fear of imprisonment, fear of torture, fear of death, fear of losing friends, family, property or means of livelihood, fear of poverty, fear of isolation, fear of failure. A most insidious form of fear is that which masquerades as common sense or even wisdom, condemning as foolish, reckless, insignificant or futile the small, daily acts of courage which help to preserve man’s self-respect and inherent human dignity. It is not easy for a people conditioned by fear under the iron rule of the principle that might is right to free themselves from the enervating miasma of fear. Yet even under the most crushing state machinery courage rises up again and again, for fear is not the natural state of civilized man.”
    ― Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear

    The decision has been made by our Eritrean people, the cold blood murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his ruthless gangsters referred to the ERITREAN CRIMNAL COURT that is if their fate is not decided (like gruesome killing of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya) within the next few weeks or months by the Eritrean army and people.

    Awetn Rahwan nhzbi Eritrea

  2. Alem

    CHAD —Chad’s ex-ruler Hissene Habre has been convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life in prison at a landmark trial in Senegal.
    The judge convicted him of rape, sexual slavery and ordering killings during his rule from 1982 to 1990.
    Victims and families of those killed cheered and embraced each other in the courtroom after the verdict was given.
    It was the first time an African Union-backed court had tried a former ruler for human rights abuses.”

    ROMANIA —-A former Communist-era prison commander has been sentenced to 20 years in jail after being convicted of crimes against humanity in the first such trial in Romania.
    Alexandru Visinescu, 89, ran the notorious Ramnicu Sarat prison from 1956 to 1963, where inmates were allegedly tortured and starved.
    At least 12 people are said to have died as a result of the abuse.
    Mr Visinescu denied the charges, saying he was just following orders.

  3. Alem

    “Isayas’s private tragedy, Eritrea’s agony: for Isayas, power is his sole ideology, his friend, his concubine and his mistress. His fight to remain in power is the main force dragging the country in to the pit. While the complexities of democracy, justice, economy and peaceful co- existence with neighbors elude him, he instinctively understands power.”Ezana Sehay

  4. Alem

    RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s National Truth Commission on Wednesday delivered a damning report on the killings, disappearances and acts of torture committed by government agents during the country’s 1964-1985 military dictatorship. It called for those responsible to face prosecution.
    The work exhaustively details the military’s “systematic practice” of arbitrary detentions and torture, as well as executions, forced disappearances and the hiding of bodies. It documents 191 killings and 210 disappearances committed by military authorities, as well as 33 cases of people who were disappeared and whose remains were later discovered.
    “These numbers certainly don’t correspond to the total of deaths and disappearances but only to cases it was possible to prove,” the report said, citing “obstacles encountered in the investigation — especially the lack of access to armed forces’ documentation, which is officially said to have been destroyed.”

    CAMBODIA—In the name of agrarian communism, the Khmer Rouge decided to completely and immediately remake Cambodian society as a utopian farming nation, free of all foreign influence and the trappings of modernity. They immediately abolished all private property, and seized all products of field or factory. The people who lived in cities and towns – some 3.3 million – were driven out to work in the countryside. They were labeled “depositees,” and were given very short rations with the intention of starving them to death. When party leader Hou Youn objected to the emptying of Phnom Penh, Pol Pot labeled him a traitor; Hou Youn disappeared.
    Pol Pot’s regime targeted intellectuals – including anyone with an education, or with foreign contacts – as well as anyone from the middle or upper classes. Such people were tortured horrifically, including by electrocution, pulling out of finger and toenails, and being skinned alive, before they were killed. All of the doctors, the teachers, the Buddhist monks and nuns, and the engineers died. All of the national army’s officers were executed. (THIS IS THE PRESENT DAY ERITREA)

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