Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Encouraging results From Pilot Project of select wheat

Mendefera. The select wheat seed (also known as Atila) that was provided to farmers in Mendefera sub-zone by the Halhale National Agricultural Research Institute and that was cultivated as a pilot project has produced encouraging result. The report was made at the event conducted in Kudo-Felasi in connection with the Day of Farmers.

At the event in which exemplary farmers, Agricultural experts, members of the administrations participated, Mr. Neguse Abraha, senior researcher at the institute, gave extensive briefing on the effort being exerted to increase production and productivity and that the select wheat seed cultivated on 6.5 hectares of land as a pilot project by 13 exemplary farmers is in good condition.

Mr. Neguse further said that the advantage of the select seed is that it is resistant to draught and pests and is expected to produce 35 quintal per hectare.



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