Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea demands end to UN sanction

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) July 15.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. BY:Tesfa-Alem Tekle. Eritrea has demanded an end to what it described as the “illegal” and “unjust” resolution sanctions imposed on the East African nation.

Eritrea made the appeal during the High Level Dialogue on Human Rights held on 12-13 July this year, through its Permanent Representative, ambassador Girma Asmerom.

While addressing the general assembly, the Eritrean diplomat said that his country is being subjected to a “serious and collective punishments” deliberately perpetuated against the Eritrean people.

Among the “collective punishments” forwarded to bring attention to the United Nations General Assembly was “the unjust sanctions imposed on people of Eritrea by Security Council, for reasons which were fabricated and are proven today to be nonexistent”.

Asmara stressed that UN Security Council must lift the “unjust sanctions” which Girma said were depriving the people of Eritrea from the right to development.

He said, “no one should be left behind” means no one shall be left behind, under any pretext.

The Eritrean representative also demanded for Ethiopia to withdraw from the alleged Eritrean territories.

Asmara said Ethiopia continues to occupy Eritrean territories, including the town of Badme for the past 14 years in breach of the Charter of the UN.

“This is a serious threat to peace and security of the region and a violation of the United Nations charter,” said Girma.

He added that the collective punishments are the worst and highest form of human rights violations.

“Occupation and unjust sanctions perpetuates poverty, creates refugees and displaced people”.

He added that it also goes against the motto and principles of 2030 Agenda that “No one should be left behind”.

The Hague-based Boundary Commission 2002 ruling gave away the disputed town of Badme to Eritrea.

Ethiopia has accepted “in principle” the commission’s ruling but declined to pullout its troops from the flash point, insisting for more implementation talks, a request Eritrea rejected.

Eritrea has been accusing UN of demonstrating double standards saying the world body has failed to take actions against Ethiopia for the latter to implement the border ruling.

Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year war.

However, relations between the two rival neighbors, have since remained tense.

In June, Ethiopian and Eritrean forces engaged in heavy border fighting around Tserona central front, an area about 75 kilometres south of the Eritrean capital, Asmara.

Hundreds of soldiers are reported to have been killed and many more wounded from both sides. The two sides traded blame over who first sparked the two-day long battle.

The latest fighting was the most serious military engagement since the 1998-2000 border war, which has claimed the lives of an estimated more than 70,000 people. (ST)




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