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Eritrea Daily:Successful efforts to nurture competent youth

Successful efforts to nurture competent youth

Sawa, 04 May 2016- The Deputy Commander of the National Service Training Center, Sawa, L/Colonel Temesgen Samuel said that the efforts made to nurture competent youth in all aspects is vividly being witnessed on the ground.

He also indicated that in the past 22 years the National Service Training Center has

accommodated 28 rounds of national service participants and that they are contributing their due part in the nation building process. The 29th round of the national service participants have completed their 8 months academic education and are currently engaged in other national service duties, he said.

L/C Temesgen further noted that Sawa is a place in which the societal values are transferred to the youth, unity and love to each other is strengthened as well as a place in which the youth develop the culture of work, discipline and time management. He also underlined that Sawa has a special place in every Eritrean youth’s mind and that it will keep up its activities upholding its established values.

Praiseworthy construction projects implemented in Central region

Asmara, 04 May 2016- In the past 25 years of Independence praiseworthy construction projects have been implemented in the Central region, the office of Infrastructure Development in the Central region indicated.

The head of Building Design and Inspection, Architect Mesfin Mehari told Erina that effective activities have been implemented in terms of design approval and providing permit for the construction of new buildings and renovation of old ones.

Eng. Mihreteab Hailemariam also disclosed that 30 kilometer new asphalt roads were constructed in different parts of Asmara at a cost of more than 436 million Nkafa while 77 kilometer roads maintained. He reiterated that at the regional level 738 kilometer new asphalt roads were constructed at a cost of 1.5 billion Nakfa and traffic safety signs put in place at a cost of 4.4 million Nakfa.

The head of the agricultural infrastructure Eng. Abraham Daniel also pointed out that 35 dams and 7 micro dams that could hold 10 million cubic meters of water have been constructed and 8 dams maintained.

Reports also indicate that the Asmara heritage office has prepared and submitted the nomination dossier and all the supporting documents for the candidature of the art deco building and religious sites in Asmara to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Preparations for the Silver Jubilee Independence Day celebrations

Asmara, 03 May 2016- The Culture and Sports Commissioner, Ambassador Zemede Tekle indicated that the preparations for the Silver Jubilee Independence Day celebration at national level are nearing finalization.

In an interview he made with Erina, the Ambassador said that the Independence Day celebration has started with different activities and that from 16 of May will officially open with different activities in the streets of Asmara and in Cinema Halls.

The Silver Jubilee Independence Day celebrations will be conducted under the theme “Quarter Century of Resilience and Development”. The programs, hence, will reflect the economic progress the Eritrean people are registering despite the external conspiracies and war. He also said that the warm reception the Independence Torch is getting in the regions it is touring has added color to the celebrations.

Ambassador Zemede further indicated that the 25th Independence Day celebrations will include tour of Independence Torch, cultural shows, carnival, military parade, children’s programs, sports activities, community gatherings, schools independence week as well as programs by Eritrean communities from the Diaspora. Different cultural groups from different countries will also participate in the celebrations.

The Ambassador reiterated that thousands of Eritrean living in the Diaspora are expected to participate in the celebrations and already many are already here. Foreigners friends of Eritrea an those who stood by the side of Eritrea and its people during the armed struggle for independence and in the nation building process and resistance are also invited to participate.

Successful programs to empower women

Barentu, 04 May 2016- The head of the NUEW branch in the Gash Barka region, Ms. Yihdega Yohannes indicated that commendable programs have been implemented in the region in terms of empowering women.

At a meeting she conducted with students and parents of the 12 sub-zones, she stressed that the backward attitudes and the harmful practices were condemning women to various social and health mishaps. She further said that after independence with the sustainable social awareness programs the status of women in the society is improving and the harmful practices fading.

The participation of women in all sectors and the contribution they are making in the national development programs are the result of the investment made on women.

The participants on their part expressed readiness to play their due part in the efforts to circumvent the harmful practices and strengthen participation in the national development programs.




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4 Responses to “Eritrea Daily:Successful efforts to nurture competent youth”

  1. stefanos temolso

    These are people who do not know what they are saying. The nation is bleeding from the youth fleeing the country and yet these crooked thugs claim that they nurtured the youth? If this is so, why don’t they allow them to travel freely inside the country? why do they shoot them on the border why don’t they release them after two years service to the nation? why don’t they pay them their salary from the income the sales of gold they get from Bisha. Where are the billions of Dollars from Gold and Copper? why do the Eritrean people suffer from shortage of electricity, water and basic commodities? why strangle the people by prohibiting them from having cash? Why imprison people without trial for years? etc etc? why all these lies and obfuscation? These shows that the regime is full of parrots and stupid people.

  2. sidiki

    Congra eritrean people and eritrean friends from all the world and the government of eritrea for all you did a great job God bless.

  3. sidiki

    I love my eritrean people and government God bless you.

  4. Aden Michael

    Congratulations to the north korean of Africa.

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