Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Historic photo of Muslim Community Club, Cairo

NAIROBI (HAN) April 21, 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. By: Martin Plaut. I bought this photograph.

Eritrea Muslim Club Cairo

The date is suggested as 1946. The writing in Tigrigna on the wall says Muslim Youth Association – which is repeated in Italian.

I am only assuming that the location is Cairo: that is what the vendor suggested.

On the reverse is writing, but I am having difficulty working out what it says.

Can anyone identify who these people are, or what the club did?


Eritrea Muslim Club Cairo back

About Martin Plautmartin

Born in Cape Town, South Africa, I was educated at the University of Cape Town and Witwatersrand, before going on to Warwick University.

While I was at university in Johannesburg I was involved in the Soweto uprising of June 1976. It was a traumatic event, but eventually led to the freedom of South Africa with the end of apartheid in 1991.

I have worked on Africa since the 1970’s, first for the Labour Party and then for the BBC.

I was Africa editor, until I retired in November 2012 and I am currently a Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in London.




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One response to “Eritrea: Historic photo of Muslim Community Club, Cairo”

  1. Gabriel

    The writing lists some names. I can read clearly the first two and only partially the third one . They are:
    1) Iasin Hasen Aman; 2) Mussa Idris Mussa 3) Abdullahi (second and third names not clear).
    Right below the names there is the writing “di”, which means “of”, and then, just below this, it clearly says:
    “senafe” “(something not clear)”and then “1946. I do not read Arabic, but I assume that right after this date there is the same date in Arabic.
    On the basis of what we can infer from the photo caption, I think the location was Senafe and not Cairo, also considering that 1946 was in the middle of the British Administration period. That was a period when political parties and other forms of association proliferated.
    An additional element that convinces me that the location is in Eritrea, is the writing in Italian: the type of font, introduced during the Fascist period, was widely used in the 1930s and early 1940s in the Italian colonies. Note that it is different from the one in English, probably because the British did not use the other font so reminiscent of the Fascist period.

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