Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Clean your House, EU Tells Afwerki

Rome (HAN) May 24, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security News.  The European Parliament this week called on Isyas Afwerki’s government in Eritrea to immediately and unconditionally release an imprisoned news editors, News Bloggers, ELF supporters, religious leaders and two other political prisoners.

An EU parliamentary resolution also established a monitoring of Eritrea’s human rights abuses in what could be the first step toward international censuring or even trade sanctions toward the Horn of Africa’s only unelected regional leader and is not a member of IGAD’s regional security framework.

“Given that their imprisonment relates directly to the legitimate exercise of their right to freedom of expression,” the non-legislative resolution argued for the release of imprisoned news editors and News Bloggers.

Aware of this, the EU parliament called upon the European Commission to “monitor Eritrea’s adherence to human rights and to labour (Canadian Goldmine projects) and environmental conventions”.

The EU-Africa  resolution ordered an investigation be undertaken into Eritrea’s ”serious and systematic violation of future rights of Eritrean Youth”.

According to Geeska Afrika Online sources in Rome, Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi told his national parliament that the EU should assume “a greater role in Africa”. Renzi was talking about migration as well – telling the Senate that the EU “must intervene in Eritrea and in Sudan, to the south of Libya,” to wage war against human traffickers – but the statement applies more generally to EU-Eritrea relations.

The international community is also about to begin negotiations with Eritrea to agree new targets to succeed the Millennium Development Goals which expire at the end of 2015.

Amnesty International and other International human rights groups also characterise imprisoned news editors, News Bloggers, ELF supporters, religious leaders and two other as political prisoners.

The Eritrean government denies that any political prisoners exist in the country


HAN & Geeska Afrika Online (1985-2015), the oldest free independent Free Press in the region, brings together top journalists from across the Horn of Africa. Including Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Oromo, Amhara, Somali, Afar and Harari. Plus, we have daily translations from 150 major news organizations in the Middle East and East African regions. Contact at
Geeska Afrika Online (1985 -2015) – The International Gateway news and views about the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda), the best IGAD news and information Online Site for the last 30 Years.

HAN & Geeska Afrika Online (1985-2015), the oldest free independent Free Press in the region, brings together top journalists from across the Horn of Africa. Including Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Oromo, Amhara, Somali, Afar and Harari. Plus, we have daily translations from 150 major news organizations in the Middle East and East African regions. Contact at
Geeska Afrika Online (1985 -2015) – The International Gateway news and views about the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda), the best IGAD news and information Online Site for the last 30 Years.




23 Responses to “Eritrea: Clean your House, EU Tells Afwerki”

  1. jumbo

    Happy Independence Day, Eritrea!

  2. bilal

    thank you Gesskaafrica but why you devided somalia into somalia and somaliland on ur website?thx u.

  3. axmed

    Regime change by Ethiopia is the only viable and peaceful road map for Eritrea. Isaias and the Gang of Seven must be arrested by Ethiopia tried for theft, killings ,disappearances and terrorist support for Alshabab, and invading neighboring countries.( djibouti. Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan etc.

    1. sami

      you need to mind your own business !

  4. Jumbo : What Independence are you talking about ?

  5. bereket

    Happy Independence day Eritrea!

  6. Senu

    Happy Independence Day for our beautiful Mother Land Eritrea! Thank you President Isajas Afwerki!

    1. You can’t even spell his name properly. And why are you supporting him for?

    2. Alem K.

      Senu yes indeed happy independence day to our mother land Eritrea but I am dismayed when you say thank you to a narcissist criminal ISAYAS AFEWORKI. It is unfortunate our hero’s our tegadelti ,our brothers, our sisters who secured our independence, and who led us into victory are dyeing a slow agonizing death robbed their dignity and humanity in ERA ERO and several prisons in the land that they fought for. It is shame those who contributed little or nothing for our independence are walking the streets of our Eritrea like hero’s where as our real hero’s are decaying in jail. Sooner or later all of us will die, what we live behind us is our legacy, our humanity, our kindness.
      We are independent but we are not free yet.

  7. asmarino menisei

    facing the root cause of all our suffers!!! we know the solution for our problems has to be generated from inside by ourselves but it has became hard for the ppl to broke that out for the obvious reason that we were well weakned by the past struggle for independence the regime of-course exploited that. so we will need an assistance from the international community ….. then we do the rest!!! failure and defeat to the tyrant Issaias

  8. jumbo

    Axmed: Independence from the #1 western aid beggar

  9. axmed

    Jumbo : you know our people are begging all over the world. Our young women are maids and seve as sex slaves to the Arabs in the middle east and Israel on welfare inEurope and America Eritreans in Our motherland Ethiopia they live and work in peace. Jumbo don’t bite the hand that fed you and fed your father and your grandfathers too.

  10. Alem K

    Finally the European union leadership getting into its senses, and telling the unelected ruthless murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI to shape up or get discarded like a garbage (which he is).
    Thank you for those of you relentless fighters who chose not to give up on your brothers and sisters and lobby the EU leadership in every possible way and swayed the decision.

    “The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR says the number of Eritrean asylum seekers in Europe tripled to nearly 37,000 in the first 10 months of 2014, of whom 34,000 came by sea.

    Earlier this month, an interim report of a U.N. investigation said Eritrea was ignoring human rights laws and exerting pervasive state control and ruthless repression on the population.

    According to EU diplomats, Brussels is planning a multi-million euro development package that Eritrea will be allowed to spend on energy and other sectors.

    The EU approved a major aid package for Eritrea in 2007, worth 122 million euros (87 million pounds) in aid over a six-year period”. REUTERS Mar 24/2015

    European Union in its recent decision and out of desperation, in order to halt the surge of asylum seekers from Eritrea, it was leaning towards awarding the criminal tyrant more than 300 million Euro but with shear campaign of DELEYTI FTHI Eritreans and peace loving people all over the world, finally the decision is on the verge of reversing.
    The ruthless tyrant was determined to use portion of the money to open more prison cells and concentration camps.
    Eritrea lets keep up the fight and the demise of the criminal regime will not be too far.
    Our independence day was a day of remembrance for our gallant TEGADALTI (we will never forget you) who fought hard and sacrificed everything so we live independent and free, and a day of prayer for those decaying in the dungeons of the cold blooded criminal ISAYAS AFEWORKI and for those of our younger brothers and sisters perishing in the sea and desert.
    Awetn selamn nhzbi Eritrea and down fall to the criminal regime.

  11. axmed

    Alem : What is needed is not bandaid from Europe to keep BASTARDIAS in power , but regime change. Ethiopia is the only country qualified, and has the expertise to punish to BASTARDIAS and change the regime . I as a person would prefer to be federated with Ethiopia . What do you think? The status quo is not tenable .( beggars, maids to Arabs and Israelis, sex slaves in Europe and Americas, Welfare collectors everywhere to keep a lifeline Bastardias’s regime.

    1. Saba

      tell that to your hungry mama, father less sister and fostered dad.

  12. Mustefa

    Which mother are talking about? How dare you call the hijacker a mother? Ethiopia took over 100 thousand of Eritreans life, destroyed the villages, orphaned kids, widowed mothers, forced our family out of the country with over a million refugee,and burned the entire nation, The devil Haile Sellasse then Mengistu Hailemariam stepped in Eritrea with the mission of Empty Eritrea land and that what they did, but thanks to our hero freedom fighters children of Awate for defeating the tyrant abductor and changing your regime. I believe in good neighbors with the respect. Ethiopia never been a mother to Eritrea, but an abductor, Please stop insulting Eritrean’s. We Eritreans forgive, but we will never forget.

  13. futsum teferi

    Happy independence day, down issayas and his mentality.

  14. axmed

    Mustufa : Under H/ Sellase and Mangistu ordinary Ethiopians from all the regions of the country every was oppressed and killed and uprooted . Ethiopians were also the victims just like my uncle who was killed by Mengestu in Mitsiwa. We must be reunited with our oppressed brothers and sisters of Ethiopia to form a perfect federation in our land .What do you think.

  15. Gual Teklay

    Happy 24th birthday halal meret Eritrea! may you continue to prosper and devolope further than you already have!

  16. jumbo

    Axmed: u love Ethiopia so much, go there. Maybe u can help your people from weyane tyrant grip

    Eritrea is independent country for the past 24 years, it’s time u wake up from your deep slumber. Eritreans look forward to working with post-weyane administration

  17. axmed

    Jumbo: I am sure you can not go home and visit your parents. You have not been home in a long time. we know that you are on Welfare or do some menial job with for $ 5,75 an hour.You know you send your hard-won pay-check to your family. you know we confidentially pay the Asmara regime representatives some of our money or else our families will be in trouble back home. You know we are afraid to criticize President Bastard-ias in public to someone we do not know. They don’t have such a system in Ethiopia. The can travel anywhere in the world and gback home without trouble. Ethiopia is free and we are not if we are in Umhager. or in mitsiwa or asmara or anywhere Smell the coffee Jimbo.

  18. Abraham

    Good job Alem k.

  19. Nerd_

    Happy independence Day Eritrea!! Long Live My Beloved PIA! God Bless You!!

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