Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Cameras Allowed to Minimize Regional Security Threat

Asmara (HAN) March 10, 2015 – Public Diplomacy, Regional Maritime Security Threats and Challenges in the Gulf of Aden News. Regional Red Sea security threats are a higher priority for the international community, to minimize national, regional emerging threats against global supply-lines.

BBC World News cameras allowed into Eritrea for the first time to Minimize Regional Security Threat

Inside Eritrea with Yalda Hakim, Hakim of BBC World News explores how Eritrea has been described as one of the most secretive states in the world. Every year, thousands of people flee indefinite military service and arbitrary imprisonment.

According to Keset Tesfatsion, you need to proof by interviewing the people on ground and find independent your own interpreters. The people might scare the dictatorial regime. You need to request to visit prison camps not far from the capital city Asmara, the place called Maye Serwa just 2 miles from Asmara city center towards Northern Asmera. You can see thousands of shipping containers. I am 100% sure they will not allow you. How could people risk their life to travel in deserts and expose themselves for such dangerous situation. But I am hoping you will try your best.

BBC World News has been allowed to film inside Eritrean territories, including red sea strategic location.

The Eritrean President Isyas Afwerki want to show off some positive news about the authority governance system:

they say child mortality is falling, maternal health is improving, and malaria has almost been wiped out. 

The Question Eritrean diaspora and refugees are asking themselves are, will Our World’s Hakim gets a glimpse of why so many young Eritreans will risk everything to leave the country?


Photo: Afghan born Yalda Hakim of BBC talks about reporting from the Eritrean front-line zones.


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7 Responses to “Eritrea: Cameras Allowed to Minimize Regional Security Threat”

  1. axmed

    Eritrea ,What Eritrea? This a Psycho penal colony,getting out of it is the one dream that all those who are in this hell would like to in exchange to live or die free in the rivers,seas , oceans,mountains or the streets of Europe or Israel. What happened to investigative journalism ?
    Expose Afewerke and the gangs loot in stashed in all the secret accounts from HSBC to canadian and chinese banks.

  2. I guarantee you that they will twist the truth as soon as they leave the country. The government should obtain unedited copy of the tape

  3. Now the situation in asmara is very concerning.There is criminalism,highest shortage of food,immigration,unemployment ,greaetst inflation, one could walk in asmara streets confidently.
    The situation clearly shows that the dictator Isayas regime has reached on the point that it can not control the country in law and order!

  4. Jesus

    We love our president, Isias Afewerki.
    We have freedom of press ,speech
    Free healthcare
    We have free education

    We have everything.

  5. Eritrean

    Eritrean will always prevail and will be vindicated by its patriotic peoples. The massive disinformation campagin of the western media will never work. Look at all the coverage they never say one good thing EVER.

    Never kneel never surrender! I love my country and even i love the western world just not the WESTERN MEDIA and foreign policy where crisis management is the order of the day instead of dealing in good faith. Take a page out of china’s play book western government!. They give and then they take fair trade.

  6. Eritrean

    Btw., Please geeska take down the picture! that is not Eritrea. That is the middle east, please be mindful of journalistic credibility.

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