Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Belgium has requested Italy to take back the refugees

Asmara (HAN) November 13, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Humanitarian Security and safety news. Belgium, considered a relatively good destination for refugees, is now where many refugees are staying in a limbo for extended time. According to a Belgian report,

“Where there used to be about 60 to 70 asylum applications of Eritreans every year … that number dramatically increased to 215 per month in July 2014.”

It has been reported that the Belgian foreign affairs (DVZ) is using the Dublin Regulation to block application of Eritrean asylum seekers.

Since August 2014, DVZ has blocked hundreds of applications from being processed by CGVS, the Belgian entity responsible for identifying applicants and deciding their fate.

Based on the claim of the applicants who stated they arrived to the country via Italy, Belgium has requested Italy to take back the refugees. No further investigation, including fingerprinting, has been carried out to verify the claims.

According to CGV, Italy has a limited time to respond to the request. If it fails,there is fear that Belgium might forcibly deport the applicants back to Italy.

It is the first time that Belgium is applying this law, and as a result, hundreds of Eritrean asylum seekers are stranded with uncertain fate.

Since 2013, the number of Eritreans asylum seekers in Europe has overwhelmed many countries. This has stirred serious debate among European governments that seek to limit the intake of immigrants, and groups who see the case from the human right perspective.

Italy, supported by a few countries in Europe, is pursuing a strategy of appeasing the Eritrean regime to convince it to reform in the hope of decreasing the flight of people from Eritrea. However, most Eritreans believe that “The removal of the regime is the only way that can limit the escape of Eritreans from their country, and that Italy should know better.”

Meanwhile, on Thursday November 6, 2014, Brussels saw labor protests that ended in violence. Tens of thousands of people demonstrated against government economic reform policies and austerity measures. Police used tear gas and pressured water to quell the demonstration. Officials say the measures are needed to control deficit while the labor unions reject that explanation.


Photo: The end of a long silent journey Eritrean children in Libya

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2 Responses to “Eritrea: Belgium has requested Italy to take back the refugees”

  1. Alem

    It would make a lot of sense economically and politically, for the Europeans and especially for the Italians to assist in creating a free democratic and stable Eritrea. Italy and the rest of European countries should know better and hopefully learned a lesson or two. Appeasing a criminal dictator ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his failed policies will never bring a solution to the crises in Eritrea. If you want to stop the influx of migrants from Eritrea you have to deal with the source of the problem. Eritrean Youngsters are running away from slavery, hopelessness, torture, jail, intimidation, and killing by a ruthless criminal, drug addict ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal gangs. You assist the Eritrean people so we depose the criminal junta and create a democratic stable Eritrea the trend of migration would be reversed and the crises of migration you are facing would be reversed.
    SO YOU KNOW……. In the ranking of the “Worst of the worst dictators” list by FP in 2010
    our criminal murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI was #6, but it seems his hard work and tenacity paid of and he is upgraded to #2 even surpassing Mugabe. (way to go Mr dictator and your 3rd grade policies.
    2010 list.
    1-Kim Jong Il of North Korea replaced by a ruthless dictator Kim Jong Un—with the hobby of watching people suffer and killing.
    2-ROBERT MUGABE of Zimbabwe:” A liberation “hero” in the struggle for independence who has since transformed himself into a murderous despot, Mugabe has arrested and tortured the opposition, squeezed his economy into astounding negative growth and billion-percent inflation, and funneled off a juicy cut for himself using currency manipulation and offshore accounts”FP….He seems he is preparing his gold digger wife Grace Mugabe for the second round of tyranny. (our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe are you still breathing or dead)
    3- The criminal dictators of Burma…The old generals it is few years since they transfered power to Thein Sein and hope fully the Burmise people will elect the gallant freedom fighter AUNG SAN SUU KYI.
    4 OMAR HASSAN AL-BASHIR of Sudan: “A megalomaniac zealot who has quashed all opposition, Bashir is responsible for the deaths of millions of Sudanese and has been indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. Bashir’s Arab militias, the janjaweed, may have halted their massacres in Darfur, but they continue to traffic black Sudanese as slaves (Bashir himself has been accused of having had several at one point).” FP….Our Sudanese brothers and sisters you need to take a lesson from Burkina Faso and you need to depose this criminal old man and replace him with a young democratic generation.
    5-Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of Turkemistan
    6- ISAIAS AFWERKI of Eritrea: “A crocodile liberator, Afwerki has turned his country into a national prison in which independent media are shut down, elections are categorically rejected, indefinite military service is mandatory, and the government would rather support Somali militants than its own people” FP.

    Awetn selamn nhzbi Eritrea.

  2. anonymous

    i am only asking for an assylum,in Belgium.

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