Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Assistances to Fisheries in Red Sea Regions

MASSAWA (HAN) January 5, 2016 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. The Ministry of Marine Resources provided assistances to 104 fishermen from the sub zones of Gela’lo, Shieb, Dahlak, Foro and Massawa.

The Head of the Branch Office of the Ministry in the Northern Red Sea Region, Mr. Samson Zecarias, stated that the assistance, provided on low-interest loan terms, included various tools that would help them in handling, storage and processing of fish products.

Mr. Samson further added that the Ministry will conduct practical training porgrammes on modern fishing techniques, boat-motor maintenance as well as fish preservation methods for the fishermen in the coming months. The assistance is expected to increase output of artisanal fishing geared for the domestic market.

Source: shabait




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