Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Asmara was the second capital of Italian Empire

Asmara (HAN) November 7, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Historic capital news. Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, was an Italian colony between 1890 and 1941. The city was populated by a large Italian community (53,000 of 98,000 inhabitants in 1939), so the architecture is a unique blend of Italian modernism and Eritrean style. Here are the most amazing examples.


The city center was rebuilt in various styles during the colonial decades: Neo-Romanesque, Late Victorian, Art Deco, Cubist, Rationalist, Novecento and Neo-Baroque, among others.

This Modernist city in Africa was also a dream of Benito Mussolini, because he believed it would become the capital of the Second Roman Empire.

La colonia italiana d’Eritrea

Photo: The best Italian designers to turn this transplanted northern Italian capital into the finest example of Art Deco architecture


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One response to “Eritrea: Asmara was the second capital of Italian Empire”

  1. Alem

    A beautiful city designed by Italians and built by the sweat of our parents and grand parents decaying and crumbling down by a despicable tyrant. it was supposed to be a mecca of tourism and a city of harmony ,brotherly love where people could feel safe and secure free of predators and free of crime but unfortunately TEMPORARLY it became a safe heaven for terrorist criminal ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his gangsters.
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    President Armando Guebuza, a former millionaire businessman, is stepping down after serving the maximum two terms.
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    THANK YOU PRESIDENT ARMANDO GUEBUZA Honorable son of Africa for your legacy for not turning your presidency into tyranny like MUGABE, blood thirsty ISAYAS AFEWORKI, MUSEVENI, OMAR AL BASHIR, and the criminal BLAIS COMPAORE.

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