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Erdogan’s Grand Vision Achievements: The Turkish’s first Directly Elected President

Istanbul (HAN) March 20. 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Erdogan’s top 99 accomplishments prepared by SIRAD Institute of Somalia to empower regional Statecraft initiatives, for the Symposium of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “His Position and Importance in Turkish, Islamic and World Policy,” Organized by White Movement Association.The world’s best presidential leadership achievement goes to Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan, because of his millions of adoring supporters in Somalia and Africa, Erdogan’s achievement is to have reunited Turkey with the Islamic heritage that Kemal Ataturk ditched in the name of modernisation.

Quoting from the Koran, he shouted defiance at those who resent his assault on Turkey’s secular tradition. “We will not give way to those who speak against our call to prayer!” he vowed. “Allahu Akbar!” the crowd responded.

Erdogan Personality has achieve a great nation and soft power in the region”—the recent Fourth General Congress of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party proclaimed this ambitious goal for 2023, the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic. The Congress celebrated Erdogan’s leadership and reelected him as party chairman. With his party’s backing, and through a prospective new constitution that created a powerful “presidential system.”

Physical structure: Tall and slim, still with a full head of hair at 62, President Recep Erdogan has survived 12 torrid years at the apex of Turkish politics with little obvious damage. His chin is smooth, his uniform the same sombre suit and tie he has always worn; nothing about his appearance would cause one to doubt that this was a modern, secular politician, playing by the same rule book as the men in Brussels and Paris, who in recent memory were eager to install his nation among the EU’s stars through his humanitarian achievements and economic recovery both in Somalia, Turkey and Africa.

Personal Attitiude: Edogan look is unchanged from the great occasion years ago when President Barack Obama, paying his first presidential visit to Turkey, described him as one of his five closest international allies and hailed him as an example of how a leader could be Islamic, democratic and tolerant all at once to lead his nation and the Islamic World.

Erdogan’s public pronouncements has no doubts about his vision and capacities. Rather, ignoring his enemies propaganda, Erdogan remains self-confident, assertive, and even aggressive against Turkish enemies both internal and external forces.

Erdogan’s Key Global Accomplishments

Global achievement: The world’s best leadership achievement goes to Turkey’s President, Recep Erdogan. Many of his growing number of domestic supporters now believe that Erdogan’s initial decision to put Turkey “back into” the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and his inclination to see the future in Islamist terms, empowered his leadership and enhances Turkey’s strengths. President Recep Erdogan is the most powerful Turkish leader since Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who has founded the republic in 1923, after first World War in Europe.

SIRAD Institute in Somalia, were  closely followed him in his achievements and what Erdogan  done as the mayor of Istanbul, Prime Minister of Turkey  and the current president of Greater Turkey,  since the last decade, which his strong personality and  leadership impacts in Somalia and Africa.  Erdogan  campaigned against “terror in Somalia, Da’ish in Syria, and corporate Corruption in Turkey,” and was elected President in 2014 – Popular  vote of 21,000,143 people. While President, he created the Interstate air highway link  betwean Somalia, Africa and Turkey and also sent the humaniterian turkish  youth into desprate Somalia manmade famine.”

Historic Personal Achivements:

Recep Erdogan was elected to parliament; prevented from taking his seat, he stood instead for mayor of Istanbul and won. Opponents  feared he would clamp Sharia on Turkey’s most freewheeling city; instead he disarmed critics by proving a resourceful and energetic executive, taking drastic and effective measures to transform its rubbish collection, public transport and water supply. But his fundamental passion was unchanged.

The Turkish economy booms since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was first elected in 2002. Erdogan’s twin faces – his sincere and unabashed piety on the one hand, his technocratic flair as a modern administrator on the other – placed him in pole position to lead a country increasingly restless under the old Ataturk rules.

Coming to national power in the wake of a financial crisis that forced the country into an International Monetary Fund bailout programme, Erdogan re-affirmed his skills, transforming Turkey’s economic prospects, turning it into a major exporter with Chinese-style growth rates of up to 8 per cent. Erdogan succeeded in forcing the  military – secular through and through – out of its hidden but powerful role in politics, and used his position of unrivalled power to do what no Turkish politician had previously dared: to put out olive branches to the 15 million-strong Kurdish minority concentrated in the south-east, initiating peace talks.

Historical municipal elections: Never in the history of the Turkish republic have municipal elections of the mayors of cities and towns meant so much to the political life of the country as those held on March 30. It is not a sudden turn to localism around the country or in the big cities, although the commercializing of the urban landscape in large Turkish cities, especially Istanbul, is a matter of serious concern to an influential and discontented segment of the citizenry. The primary explanation for this great interest in these local elections, exhibited by a record voter turnout, had to do with an embittered and multi-faceted opposition to the national leadership provided by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), and above all, by its controversially charismatic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Both the government and the opposition treated these elections as a referendum on the leadership being bestowed upon the country by Erdogan, its stormy prime minister during the past 12 years. What was surprising about the outcome to most observers was the persisting strength of public support for AKP leadership.

Political party: strange anomaly of Turkey that in a country of 77 million the AKP is the only political party that competes for votes throughout the entire country, and seems responsive to the expectations and grievances of all sections and ethnicities.

Economic growth rate: In the third quarter of 2011, the Turkish economy grew 8.2 percent, one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Under Prime Minister Erdogan’s leadership the Turkish economy has tripled in size since 2002. The largest economic growth in Turkish history was from 2002 to 2011.  Turkey’s economic growth rate for the first three quarters of this year was 9.6 percent one of the fastest in the world. The year-end economic growth for 2011 is estimated at around 9 percent. In recent years Turkey’s economic and diplomatic power has risen and is still rising.

Regional Power Influence: Turkish influence has began to blossom, Turkey’s popularity has been on the rise in the Arab world, Asia and Africa.  Turkey with its flourishing democracy, and rapidly growing economic and military might have become an emerging regional and global power.

President Recep Erdogan has succeeded in staging a soft revolution against the once powerful autocracy at home.  All these achievements made Turkey a good candidate as a “role model” to replace the despotic Middle east regimes.

Indeed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan captured the moment by extending his strong support to Egyptian and Tunisian revolutionaries, warning Arabian leaders they should swiftly implement reforms and meet the democratic demands of their people.  President Recep Erdogan has served as a hero in the Arab and African capitals he has officially visited. President Erdogan has proved himself to be a master of alliance-building.  Recep Tayyip Erdogan  has exploited a power vacuum in the Middle East to transform his country into a regional and global economic and diplomatic giant.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has entered a new phase, and the “New Turkey”.  Although Erdoğan insists that he is committed to secularism, he has won the hearts of millions of conservative and religious voters with subtle and overt appeals to Islamic identity, from restrictions on alcohol and abortion to the lifting of restrictions on the Islamic headscarf. He has achieved unprecedented levels of electoral support, aided also by perceptions of good economic management. The President of the Republic is the head of State and represents the Republic of Turkey and the unity of the Turkish nation.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is pursuing a strategy to build a global political and economical influence. Turkish companies are investing in the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Balkans, Islamic countries, EU, India, China, and particularly Somalia, the base of Turkish strategic  assets in Africa.

Turkey is the largest investor in Somalia,  Albania, Kosovo, Egypt, Bosnia, Syria, Kurdistan, Libya, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan,Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bulgaria, Romania, Afghanistan, Iraq, Qatar, and Algeria.

The modern Turkish companies are investing worldwide in real estate, energy, food industry, construction, tourism, Internet technology, automobiles, cement, chemicals, consumer electronics, food processing, machinery, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, steel, transportation equipment, textiles, jewelry, engineering goods and software, insurance sector, banking, stock markets and energy projects.

Sources:  Edited and reviews by. Professor Nour Kaafi, MIPIS, IPIS, is a Senior National Security & Statecraft Adviser and the Chancellor of the Somali institute of Security and Diplomacy (SIRAD) in Mogadishu Somalia. The SIRAD Institute strategy and foreign policy initiatives hosts diplomatic engagement panel discussion, which is one of the Panel Series-The Ambassador Series Special Editions in Somalia; Somalia’s National Strategy Study Projects, a sustained dialogue with members of academia, policy makers, media, business and economy, and civil society on critical dimensions of Somalia’s national strategy in 2035 perspective. The purpose is to help develop a consensus on Somalia’s national strategy in a complex security and foreign policy environment to empower regional statecraft based on sustainable economic development and secure region to protect critical assets.





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