Geeska Afrika Online

Ellen Congratulates Eritrea

ASMARA (HAN) May 24.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. By Joe Abban. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of Eritrea on the occasion making their 25th Independence Anniversary. The Independence Day of Eritrea is celebrated on today, May 24 each year as the most important national holiday of this east African country.

On this day in 1991, the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front forces moved into the capital Asmara, reinstating independence, following a 30-year long-battle against the Ethiopian military regime. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, in her message to His Excellency Isaias Afwerki, President of Eritrea, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to him and the Government and people of Eritrea on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia. The Liberian leader said as the two countries strive to further strengthen the bond of friendship and cooperation subsisting between them, it is her fervent prayer that the Almighty God will endow the Eritrean President with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity.



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One response to “Ellen Congratulates Eritrea”

  1. Alem

    Eritrea it is our 25th year of independence, which was secured by the tremendous sacrifice d of our brothers and sisters but unfortunately we don’t have much to celebrate but rather our independence day became a reflection of 25 years decay, tyranny and atrocious crime against our people.
    We liberated our land from an outside colony but we handed it over to a home grown cold blooded, psychotic criminal and his sell out thieves.
    Still on this day
    1- Thousands of our brothers and sisters are denied their freedom and decaying in the dungeons of the psychopath murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI. Heroes like BITEWEDED ABRHA and G-15 and tegadalti who secured our independence still behind bars……Eritrea shame on us.
    2- Our youngsters are still getting snatched away from their families and leading a life of hopelessness and slavery. Thousands of them are running away from hopelessness, torture, rape, murder to the unknown future.
    3-Unelected tyrant and dictator ISAYAS AFEWORKI is ruling and ruining our Eritrea and disintegrating the fabric of our society.
    4-Our ratified 1997 constitution is not implemented yet. ………Shame on us Eritrea.
    5-Our independent news papers are shut down and our journalists are decaying and dyeing in jail and still we are silent.
    6- Every week the sell out criminals are destroying hundreds of residential properties and still we are silent.
    7-13 of our precious kids gunned down in the middle of our capital city in front of their mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, cousins and we are still silent.
    Yes we are independent but we are way far from being free, our land is ruled by obnoxious drug addict criminal ISAYAS AFEWORKI with too much disrespect for our people and our land.

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