Geeska Afrika Online

Dubai Police Arrested Seven Ethiopian Meat Trader

Dubai (HAN) March 7, 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Ethiopia lemitik’ebelewi high meat production in United Arab Emirates in September 2008 El Judah take an organization of 200 thousand pounds of meat was purchased for more than seven Ethiopian abattoirs. However, more than a million dollars worth of meat to the United Arab Emirates ships, Dubai Municipality physical āk’et’iloteli he crashed immediately. According to Managing Director of Judah yeterik’i Ali Abdullah Mubarak ordered the body from Dubai Municipality got their money back in seven abattoirs filed, acted k’ērewochu body rejected the request by drawing. The organization sent Elfora Agro-industry body, Luna Export Abattoir, Mojo modern export meat, Halal Food Industry, Hashim Ethiopian live animals meat exporter, organic exports are k’ērene Abyssinia export abattoir. Learning to participate in the exhibition, leaving the last two kedubeyi concluded that the export abattoir representatives, two representatives of the organic meat exports, a food industry representative beekamaa, a modern Enterprise meat exports Representative of Ethiopia was organized Manufacturer Exporters’ Association secretary.

Half of the seven Ethiopian court released on bail, and some have been identified are in prison. The remaining sources also said that there are hidden Dubai become under the control of the police. The court meat exporters have seen the first case besherizhe City Court, which is hearing must be called after the Dubai Court. United Arab Emirates to leave the body unable to source adds that raced through a problem senders. Sources said that the information received about the Ethiopian consulate, have not expressed any kind of solution.




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