Geeska Afrika Online

Djibouti: Top Regional Security News Briefing

Djibouti (HAN) May 9.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. 


1- Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bruce Wharton & Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense,  Dory  arrived in Somalia

Senior defense and government officials from the U.S. and Somalia held Bilateral Defense and Security meeting in Mogadishu, Somalia. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Wharton and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Dory,  discussed, security and election  issues with the President of  Federal Government of Somalia, HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and HE, The Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid.


The high level security and defense meeting with U.S. produced a new agreement outlining the cross-exchange of logistics, services, supplies, and support between the nations, as well as a plan for future security cooperation activities designed to meet mutual defense and security priorities.


2- Djibouti: A Chinese special envoy visited the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a special envoy to visit the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti, where China is establishing a naval logistics center that is widely seen as the first overseas base for its increasingly powerful military.

The Intel report didn’t say whether Yan will visit the Chinese base construction site. However, Chinese presence at the inauguration underscores the region’s political, military and economic importance to Chinese strategy in Africa.


3- U.S. Deploys Ground Troops to Yemen
According to the U.S. Intel news sources, a small contingent of U.S.armed forces has returned to the war-torn Gulf state after commandos withdrew last year.

a team of U.S. ground forces landed in Yemen to provide forces from the United Arab Emirates with intelligence, information from spy planes, advice and assistance on planning for operations, help with maritime security, medical support and aerial refueling, the Pentagon announced Friday.

“This is really about providing fusion and access to U.S. information on a tactical, real-time level,” Defense Department spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said Friday. “This is really about being a liaison to us for information.”


4- Ethiopia: Strategic Partnership with China – Ethiopia Keen to Be Model in China-Africa Cooperation
Ethiopia is keen to be a model in cooperation between Africa and China, Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation said.

Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation made the remarks on Wednesday during a meeting between heads of multiple Ethiopian ministries and representatives of the Chinese business community. They discussed ways to boost Chinese investment in Ethiopia and cope with challenges facing Chinese investors in Ethiopia.


5- Toughest job in Saudi Arabia: Pivot from oil and calm fears 
The monarchy announced a sweeping reorganization Saturday that included new leadership at some of Saudi Arabia’s most important institutions, including the powerful oil ministry and the central bank. The changes come less than two weeks after Saudi Arabia said it would wean itself off oil, which still provides the vast majority of government revenue even though prices have fallen in recent years.

The changes announced Saturday included replacing the oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, 80, with a younger technocrat, Khaled al-Falih, whose responsibilities will be expanded to include the rapidly growing power sector and other natural resources.


6- Indonesia fears piracy surge on shipping route could make it ‘new Somalia’ 
The Malacca Strait route carries $40 billion worth of cargo each year. It is taken by fully laden supertankers from the Indian Ocean that cannot use the crowded Malacca Strait.

“We don’t want to see this become a new Somalia,” Indonesian chief security … The navy is increasing patrols around Indonesia’s borders with Malaysia and the … “All this would of course be beneficial for shippers like us.” Indonesian chief security minister Luhut Pandjaitan told reporters.


7- Israel close to signing gas agreement with Turkey
Israel is closer than ever to signing an agreement to export natural gas to Turkey, according to reports in the Turkish and global press and statements by Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water Resources Yuval Steinitz in an interview at the end of last week with the “Bloomberg” news agency. Turkey wants to consume half of the quantity of gas in the Leviathan gas reservoir, starting in 2020

“We have a strong connection with Israel, and importing Israeli gas to Turkey is a big deal for us,” Zorlu Holdings CEO Omer Yungul said last week, adding that his company wanted to import 8 BCM of gas in the near future.

Update: Recep Tayyip Erdogan chose a team of smart and qualified people to run Turkey with him. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu — and replace him with someone more pliant. This is disastrous for Turkey, as financial markets have recognized.





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