Geeska Afrika Online

Djibouti: Chief of Defence Forces General Zakariah visits Mogadishu

Djibouti (HAN) March 22, 2014 – The Djibouti Chief of Defence Forces, General Zakariah Sheikh Ibrahim visits Mogadishu, reaffirms his government’s continued commitment to peace and stability in Somalia. He also visited and encouraged soldiers injured during the current offensive against al Shabaab. Djiboutian Chief of Defence Forces General Zakariye visits people injured in Bula Burde attack at AMISOM level 2 Hosbital in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The African Union Special Representative for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif also visited and spoke to injured soldiers at the AMISOM Hospital. These were injured during the offensive against the al Shabaab in Buula Burte. He applauded their courage and the sacrifice they have made to make Somalia peaceful.

The African Union Special Representative for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Mahamat also Added; AMISOM suspected that many leaders of al Shabaab may have fled to Mogadishu to Puntland and other areas. We are conducting operations in Mogadishu and have found garages with explosives being assembled. We are ready to take on any forces that are against peace.

Sources: HAN & Geeska Afrika Online Security Reporter – AU UN IST (Photo) Ilyas A. Abukar

Sources: HAN & Geeska Afrika Online (1985-2014), The oldest free independent Free Press in the region, brings together top journalists from across the Horn of Africa. Including Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Oromo, Amhara, Somali, Afar and Harari. Plus, we have daily translations from 150 major news organizations in the Middle East and East African regions. Contact at





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