Geeska Afrika Online

Crops harvested through popular campaign

Asmara (HAN) November 3.2016.Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Crops of families of martyrs in the administrative areas of Sela-Daero, Adomzematch, Abarda’e and Kutmowli’e, Gala-Nefhi sub-zone, have been harvested through popular campaign. More than 650 students from the sub-zone participated in the popular campaign.

The popular campaign was organized in partnership with the sub-zonal administration, government institutions, committee of youth and teachers.

The students explained that they feel honored to assist the families of martyr as a gesture of respect for the noble price the fallen heroes paid for the common cause and to renew their pledge to martyrs trust.

The families of martyrs in the sub-zone on their part expressed satisfaction for the initiative taken by the students and for the fact that the younger generation has inherited the noble national values of cooperation.



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