Geeska Afrika Online

COI Report on Eritrea: An Insult to Everyone’s Intelligence

NAIROBI (HAN) June 9.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. By Michael Seium. On June 8th, 2016 a report that was drafted, written, and prepared by three people whose backgrounds are all questionable accusing Eritrea to be referred to the International Criminal Court. This is a mockery of the very kangaroo court reserved as a way to control weaker and mostly African nations. Based in Europe the ICC has a very disturbing history and currently is headed by a Gambian women Fatou Bensouda. Before Bensouda an Argentine Jose O’Campo who was bent on making sure Africans paid a “heavy price” as he attempted to bring 28 cases into this court. All of them have been lodged against Africans. Flawed from its conception and widely acknowledged by many nations this court is currently attempting to legitimize itself by appointing a black African woman. Question is will she have any power to make decisions? We shall wait and see. I bring up the ICC because it is ultimately the dream of the enemies of Eritrea to see this drama unfold there.
To begin with the three people including Michael Smith head of the COI are individuals that have been given a mandate which they were suppose to present based on impartiality. However, they decided to take sides and butchered the entire process of how they were able to collect their evidence. I will attempt to bring two important points that must be considered when challenging them. These people should even be punished for their dirty deeds to destroy a peaceful nation. As Eritreans in the diaspora we have ample evidence that their methodology is based on fabricated lies. We need to think and mobilize to go on the offensive and sue them. Why? Well because, logic can tell you that there is no way to collect evidence against a nation and a people that have been Napalm Bombed, maimed, killed and even worse than the ignorant claims of the COI, beaten, massacred and their freedom taken away until they owned it in 1991 after 30 years. Now, for the COI to report that these crimes have been committed since 1991 during independence is insulting everyone’s intelligence. Are they telling us that while Eritreans were being brutalized they were committing crimes?
It should also be noted that the organization that has assigned these three stooges their mandate was created just two years after ERITREA’s independence & during the year 1993 when 99.8% of the population voted for INDEPENDENCE! We should be aware that, “The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is a United Nations agency that works to promote and protect the human rights that are guaranteed under international law and stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.” of which the State of Eritrea is a signatory. The office was established by the UN General Assembly on 20th of December 1993 during a conference on human rights.
The COI Head collaborates in Illegal evidence gathering.
We should also stress that while collecting evidence the head of the COI who happens to be a former Australian intelligence representative did the unthinkable by corroborating with non-Eritreans and Eritreans who lied to get their immigration papers. This secret meeting confirmed by a letter from Commissioner Mike Smith himself and dated 31st of March 2015. The letter was written to an anti-Eritrea element and an Employee of the Manchester Refugee Support Network in the United Kingdom. Documenting a report by utilizing a few non-Eritreans as well as a few anti Eritrea at an office for refugees which capitalizes on the weak and is directed by a non-Eritrean is unacceptable. Especially when you have over 42,000 petitions written and signed by Eritrean in the diaspora confirming that every thing about this reports is based on fabrication and lies.
Let us remain vigilant and let us be ready to take action against the COI group for their illegal behavior. They need to be punished the legal way as there are plenty of ways to prove their crimes on paper. As diaspora Eritreans let us remain engaged in the process and while there is a lengthy process for their wish to come true, we should never budge an inch. Our continued growth in helping to build a better Eritrea must be at the forefront of our agenda. To once again quote one of the greatest freedom fighters of the past century Amilcar Cabal;
“In any struggle it is of fundamental importance to define clearly who we are, and who is the enemy.”



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5 Responses to “COI Report on Eritrea: An Insult to Everyone’s Intelligence”

  1. Alem

    The COI didn’t refer the Eritrean people or Eritrea to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMNAL COURT (ICC) but rather the unelected junta and ruthless criminal ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his sell out criminal gangsters like YEMANE MONKEY, YEMANE GEBREMESKEL, FOZIA HASHIM, HAGOS KISHA and the rest of the criminals and thieves who collaborated in turning ERITREA into toxic waste land and HELL on earth.
    The solution is not that complicated.
    1-Release all our political Eritrean prisoners. The unelected criminal regime and its kangaroo courts does not have any constitutional right to detain any Eritrean, let alone for years NOT even for a single day.
    2- Release our orthodox ABUN immediately.
    3-Release our journalists and give them the right to enlighten and educate our people.
    4- STOP the national SLAVERY immediately. Under the pretext of national security stop enriching the criminal junta by using slave labor. It is a delusional and failed policy and in the name of war, you cant keep on lying to our Eritrean people. ISAYAS AFEWORKI is beating the war drum to keep us on edge and to protect his tyranny because that is what dictators and murderers do.
    5-Stop demolishing residential houses immediately.
    6-Implment the 1997 constitution immediately and hand over power to its right full owner, the Eritrean people.
    That pretty much sums it up and like I said the Eritrean people and the international community NOT asking for much.

  2. Alem

    Who are the G-15- The 15 members of this group are former fighters who were instrumental figures in the liberation of Eritrea.
    The group were all members of the Central Council of the Ruling Party, People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ);
    Three were former Cabinet Ministers;
    Eleven of the G-15 have been held incommunicado without charge for 13 years;
    Four escaped arrest;
    Their ‘Crime’: They were arrested in Sep 2001 after publishing an open letter to the government and Isaias Afewerki calling for democratic dialogue.
    Government’s Claim: the Eritrean government said the 15 individuals had committed crimes “against the security of the nation”.
    Whereabouts: In the thirteen years that they have been detained, the Eritrean authorities have refused to confirm their whereabouts or their health status to their families.
    Violations: The thirteen-year in communicado detention of these prominent individuals violates numerous rights protected under Eritrean and international law.
    The G-15’s Open Letter: The open letter to the president was the culmination of the repeated requests the signatories of the letter made to hold regular meeting of the Central Council and the National Council which were well overdue. They believed the best way to resolve the problem was through meetings and democratic dialogue. Accordingly, they requested that the president, as chairman of both the Central and the National Council, convene meetings. The president dismissed the requests of the group who were members of both Central and the National Council. He simply failed to respond positively to their requests. After a flurry of exchanges of letters they decided to write the open letter to all members of the government party (PFDJ).
    This letter was a call for correction, a call for peaceful and democratic dialogue, a call for strengthening and consolidation, a call for unity, a call for the rule of law and for justice, through peaceful and legal ways. Nonetheless, the president’s final reply to his top aides was negative. He wrote: ‘I choose to be forbearing and I will patiently avoid any invitation to arguments. But if you continue to provoke me and choose to escalate the problems by exaggerating non-existent issues, it is your choice.’ A party meeting was never convened and ultimately he took a draconian measure against his topmost comrades by locking them up unceremoniously.
    According to the government, the G-15’s open letter was part of a plot to establish political cells in and out of government throughout Eritrea and abroad, coordinating their activities with the help of regional countries to destabilise the government.

  3. Franky Valley

    Matt Damon, now working part-time for the UN, reports on drug abuse, violent crime, teenage delinquency, family breakdown, welfare dependency, poor urban environments, educational failure, poverty, the loss of traditional values, teenage pregnancy, dysfunctional families, binge drinking, children who kill: all have been cited as proof that we have a broken U.K. society.

  4. Eritrean-American

    Very obvious people who call themselves Alem and pose as a “so called opposition” against Eritrea are desperate to add lies when the name Eritrea comes up. Anyone who supports the agenda of the COI is committed to destroying Eritrea and will be refuted in the strongest and harshest way possible on the ground and off the ground. Eritrea is for Eritreans and the president and the great and self reliant regime in Asmara with so much to offer the world is the choice of the MAJORITY of the people in Eritrea and by proxy the majority of the oppressed African people. If most Africans knew that people like Alem are around it would not take them a minute to bring them to justice. So stop lying about ERITREA! thanks to the great equalizer (Internet) corporate media is no longer a credible source of information.

    1. Alem

      Cowards like you they advocate and support RAPE, SLAVERY, TORTURE, and MURDER against our people by a ruthless cold blooded murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI but funny enough they shelter themselves under the freedom and democracy gained by the sacrifice of others.
      Why don’t you go back and help your narcissist psychopath uncle ISAYAS in his self reliance delusion.

      Asmara to Geneva: A 25-Years Journey
      • June 21, 2016
      • Written by: Saleh “Gadi” Johar
      “For twenty-five years we went through the deafening propaganda of “protecting the sovereignty of the motherland”, but neither the sovereignty of the land nor the dignity of citizens was protected. Instead, Eritrea was exposed to untold miseries, pain, and sufferings. Fortunately, long gone are the days when the regime, its affiliates and operatives controlled Eritreans in their country and in exile. At last, the force that rejects the totalitarian PFDJ regime has reached a critical mass. Naturally, the immediate task awaiting free Eritreans is the cleansing of Eritrean patriotism, shunning adventurous military bravado, and rehabilitating those with thuggish behaviors—arrogant PFDJ character traits should be eradicated by all free Eritreans.”

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