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AU, Somali troops arrest Al-Shabaab commander

MOGADISHU (HAN) January 8.2017 Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali troops have arrested a senior Al-Shabaab commander during an operation in Somalia’s Wanlaweyn, the mission said Saturday.

AMISOM said the Somali Special Forces backed by the AMISOM troops engaged the insurgent militants in a fierce fight that saw the arrest of one commander who is being interrogated over a series of terror attacks in the region.

AMISOM said its forces would pursue the insurgents behind a series of terror attacks in the Horn of Africa nation.

Al-Shabaab militants have recently increased their attacks against AMISOM and Somali forces in Somalia, which resulted in the loss of some towns, although the militants mainly held these towns briefly.

The AMISOM and Somali forces have also increased air strikes in the country, resulting in the killing of several militants.




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