Geeska Afrika Online
Anti-Corruption Commission

Ethiopia: Anti-Corruption Commission Set Deadline For Assets Registration

Addis Ababa –The Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (FEACC) has set a deadline for heads of sub-cities and woreda in Addis Ababa city to register their assets.

According to the Commission, those who haven’t register their wealth yet were given a deadline of five days starting from yesterday and a fine of 1,000 birr.

This was revealed during a consultation held yesterday with heads of all the 10 sub-cities of Addis Ababa.

Wodo Ato, Deputy Commissioner of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission said heads of Bole, Arada and Addis Ketema sub-cities haven’t register their assets yet.

He said heads of the three sub-cities are required to register their wealth between September 28 and October 2, 2020, also paying a fine of 1,000 birr.

According to the Deputy Commissioner, those who fail to fulfil their responsibility by the given deadline will face criminal charges of corruption.

Close to 30 heads drawn from the sub-cities took part in yesterday’s discussion, said the Commission in its Facebook page.







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