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AMISOM,SNA pledge unity in war against Al-Shabaab

1. Wide shot, Lt. Gen. Osman Noor Soubagleh, the AMISOM Force Commander, Maj Gen Mohamedesha Zeyinu, Deputy Force Commander Operations and Plan and Gen Mohamed Alibashi Somali National Army (SNA) Deputy Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) attending the meeting
2. Med shot, AMISOM and SNA sector commanders attending the meeting
3. Close up shot, Gen. Mohamed Alibashi, SNA Deputy CDF at the meeting
4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lieutenant General Osman Noor Soubagleh, AMISOM Force Commander
“If we do not work together to defeat Al Shabaab and if we cannot effectively hand over the security of Somalia to the Somali National Security Forces, then we’ll have failed in achieving our mandate.”

5. Med shot, AMISOM and SNA sector commanders attending the meeting
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lieutenant General Osman Noor Soubagleh, AMISOM Force Commander
“Another key element for us to be here is to ensure we integrate all elements of power during the campaign to defeat and deny Al Shabaab from their current safe havens in Somalia.”

7. Wide shot, Lt. Gen. Soubagleh, the AMISOM Force Commander, Maj Gen Mohamedesha Zeyinu, Deputy Force Commander Operations and Plans and Gen Mohamed Alibashi SNA Deputy CDF attending the meeting
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lieutenant General Osman Noor Soubagleh, AMISOM Force Commander
“We must support and assist in the economic development and establishment of effective governance in support of the federal government both now and after elections to gain the support of the population and counter the propaganda of Al- Shabaab.”

9. Med shot, AMISOM and SNA sector commanders attending the meeting
10. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Gen. Mohamed Alibashi, SNA Deputy CDF
“As I see in the program, this is our second meeting to participate and
what is being tackled shows there is renewed energy and resolve to address them”,
11. Lt. Gen. Soubagleh, the AMISOM Force Commander, Maj Gen Mohamedesha Zeyinu, deputy force commander operations and plan and i Gen Mohamed Alibashi SNA deputy CDF at the meeting
12. SOUNDBITE: (Somali) Gen. Mohamed Alibashi, SNA Deputy Chief of Defence Forces
“If we act together and get support from partners we’ll make major strides.”

AMISOM,SNA pledge unity in war against Al-Shabaab

Mogadishu, 25 August 2016 – Senior military officers from the African Union Mission in Somalia and the Somali National Army have pledged to work together to rid the country of the militant insurgent group Al-Shabaab.

“If we do not work together to defeat Al-Shabaab and if we cannot effectively hand over the security of Somalia to the Somali national security forces, then we’ll have failed in achieving our mandate”, AMISOM Force Commander Gen Osman Noor Soubagleh Force Commander told participants of a joint conference of AMISOM Sector Commanders and senior SNA officers, Wednesday. The SNA team was led by the Deputy Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Alibaashi Mohamed.

Soubagleh said the meeting would facilitate the ability of both forces to plan, prepare, coordinate and synchronize joint operations directed against Al-Shabaab in all the five sectors.

Gen Mohamed for his part, said after visiting several sectors in Somalia, he had witnessed the plight of the Somali people under Al-Shabaab. He described Al-Shabaab militants as having no defined position, forcing them to collect taxes and food from the public. He further said the group posed no big challenge to AMISOM and SNA as in their current state its armament and equipment was limited.

“If we act together and get support from partners we’ll make major strides”, Gen. Mohamed told the joint conference.

The Force Commander noted that the country was preparing for an electoral process and AMISOM was under obligation to support the Federal government before and after the process.

“We must support and assist in the economic development and establishment of effective governance in support of the federal government both now and after elections to gain the support of the population and counter the propaganda of Al-Shabaab,” Gen. Soubagleh added.

AMISOM sector commanders and senior officers have been meeting in Mogadishu to plan and strategize operations against Al Shabaab.

Present at the conference were two deputy AMISOM force commanders Maj Gen Nakibus Lakara (Logistical support) and Maj Gen Mohamedesha Zeyinu (Operations and Plans).

Gen. Mohamed said the two forces were ready to work together to resolve issues facing them.



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