Geeska Afrika Online

Africa Industrialization Day Held in Addis Ababa

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) November 26, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. The Silver Jubilee of Africa Industrialization Day (AID) was celebrated in Ethiopia at a country level with a workshop on Tuesday (November 24) in Addis Ababa entitled “Sharing experiences on the development of industrial parks in Ethiopia”.

The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Finance and Cooperation, and the Industrial Park Development Corporation (IPDC) in cooperation with the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia and the UNIDO Regional Office in Ethiopia.

Ahmed Shide, State Minister of Finance and Cooperation, after welcoming participants said the Government had invested significantly in the development of industrial zones and the sharing of new ideas and experiences on development of Industrial Parks was crucial.

Mr. Jean Bakole, Regional Director of UNIDO, recalling the theme of “SMEs for Poverty Eradication and Job Creation for Women and Youth” for Africa Industrialization Day 2015 explained the industrialization process of Ethiopia and African countries should embrace the inclusion of women as a top-priority.

AID is also organizing a training workshop on “Women in Agro Industry SMEs” and Mr. Bakole called for inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth. Mr. La Yifan, Ambassador of China to Ethiopia, listed the necessary steps that rapidly growing countries like Ethiopia can be to do to increase Foreign Direct Investment for the development of industrial parks.

Among these he mentioned improving custom clearance and the processing of visas. Mr. Tadesse Haile, State Minister of Industry, told the workshop that: “We have been able to attract quality investments and scored a modest increase of industry from 10.3% in 2010 to 15.6 at the end of the GTP I.”

Dr. Arkebe Oqubay, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, said “Every country has to build in industrial parks in a way that could fit its peculiar condition and its industrial policy,” and went into detail about what experiences Ethiopia should embrace and what it should omit in developing industrial parks as well as the pros and cons of industrial parks in Ethiopia, and the would-be role of the IPDC in GTP II and other areas.

AID is also organizing a training workshop on “Women in Agro Industry SMEs”. November 20 was declared Africa Industrialization Day during the 25th General Session and Assembly of Heads of State held in Addis in July 1989 so that governments and other organizations in many African countries could examine ways to stimulate Africa’s industrialization process. MFA


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