Geeska Afrika Online

A Renewed Threat of Locust Swarms in North East Africa and Yemen

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) November 13, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. The Food and Agriculture Organization warned on Wednesday (November 11) that unusually heavy and widespread rains in northwest Africa, the Horn of Africa and Yemen could encourage Desert Locust breeding.

Heavy rains associated with tropical cyclone Chapala fell in Yemen in early November, followed a week later by tropical cyclone Megh that also affected northeastern Somalia. If the rains continue, there would be sufficient time for two generations to breed in the coastal areas of Sudan, northern Eritrea, southeast Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen this year.

The FAO said the torrential rains which far exceeded the annual average rainfall for the entire year caused flooding and damage. In the winter breeding areas along both sides of the Red Sea, seasonal rains began in early October, which is slightly earlier than normal.

The FAO said close monitoring was needed over the next six months to prevent locusts from forming destructive swarms. MFA




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