Geeska Afrika Online
somaliland Youth

A Future Young MP with Mission in Somaliland

Barbara (HAN) October 27, 2020. Public Diplomacy and Regional Security and Youth Initiatives. Omar Ali Meygag, told to the youth online forum, organized by Sahra Yar,  “Standing up for women’s rights in Somaliland’ parliament 2025.”

Daily Thoughts Are Just Thoughts:Thoughts Emerge From Consciousness
“Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?” Geeska Afrika Online Editors Desk

Somaliland Youth can be agents of positive change. If we want change in Somaliland politics, young people have to do more. in Hargeisa, Buro, Barbara and Borama.
“It is challenging to be a young woman in Hargeisa. You struggle to be heard, people don’t take you seriously. You have to work twice as hard  to be taken seriously in Somaliland,” Ms. Sahra Yar  told Geeska Afrika Online and Horn of Africa newsline reporter via Zoom. Despite such challenges, she says, she would never give up fighting to bring about positive changes in Somaliland.

Youth in Somaliland voiced concerns about lack of access to education, unemployment, valid travel documents accepted by the region, and young men and  women’s love to have family and reproductive health. Due to lack of opportunities for young men and women, many of them risk their lives crossing the Bab Al-mandab cross, Yemeni rout, Sahara in Sudan, Libya, and Mediterranean Sea to get to European union zone or other countries via Turkey to look for better opportunities. Many die in this process of trying to take this extreme path of death.

Even outside of the political realm, there’s so much more that young Somalilanders could do to signal to their generation coliques and women that  wants sustainability in Somaliland politics.

“I joined the UDUB party as a disgruntled SNM supporter who found the Somaliland’s strategic policies more appealing to me personally. My personal politics are very conservative and Somalilander. I believe in the liberty of the individual, equality, freedom and democracy in Somaliland and Africa,” Ms. Sahra Yar says.”

For many, regardless of age, feeling educated enough to cast a vote or take a stance can be daunting. With national politics as polarized and partisan as it is, some prefer to keep their heads down and focus on their day-to-day simple life in Somaliland streats. After all, as one person, it’s easy to feel like doing something about a problem wouldn’t even make a difference. In fact, half of Somalilanders have simply stopped talking politics with others. It’s important that we as an  activists make advocacy more accessible to people who may be wary of getting started. As a cultural activists, youth group organizers are  traveling from Zylac to Las’anood via Hargeisa and Burao this year to meet , elected officials, youth, women and other community leaders who are acting on the problems they see in their own communities. Their messages for the Somaliland people? Focus a bit less on tribalism, and shift the passion toward direct action to regain Somaliland political dignity and brotherhood.

There is not some magic action out there that will prompt a perfect solution to the political parties issues, tribal environmental challenges youth are facing in Somaliland, but young people have incredible power.  Somaliland new generation are  so motivated to change the region, and with the right tactics, they can do just that through their experience elders for peace and sustainable communities without tribalism.  edited by. Dr. Abdillahi Mohamed – Geeska Afrika Online Opinion Editor

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Picture by Mohamed Amiin – Humanitarian




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