Geeska Afrika Online
Abdirahman Mahdi Madey

#1 Ogaden Freedom Fighter Who Completely Altered Somalis Fate in Ethiopia

Nairobi (HAN) November 23rd,  2020.  The IGAD 2020 Regional  Security Watch Nomination – Independent group for the regional stability and Human Rights advocate. 
As Somali National Regional State celebrates Annual Freedom Fighters this year 2020, most see it both as a welcome year and as a time to reflect back on the day in 1954 when the struggle started in Jigjiga, Dhagaxbuur, Shiniile, Qabridahar and Bulaale.  We take a look at some of the freedom fighters and leaders who died or still struggling for self-determination at the hands of an unjust and inhumane treatments wage  by Derg, Meles,  and Haile Selassie Regimes. Abdirahman fought so hard experiencing and yearning the free Somali National State (western-Somalia or Ogaden) since 1970s.

Dr. Abdirahman Mahdi Madey named The Regional Person of the Year for 2020

Abdirahman Mahdi  “for his  struggle against the suppression of EPRDF regimes and uniting the Somali people in Ogaden and Western-Somali  people and for their rights to access their legitimate existences values in Ethiopia as well as self-determination”


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