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Tag: bitcoin

  • Somalia: How Does it Work and Why SomaliCoin is Needed?

    Somalia: How Does it Work and Why SomaliCoin is Needed?

    What are Stablecoins?Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value and whose prices are pegged against a fiat currency, a collection of fiat currencies, or other digital currencies. Most stablecoins on the market use the US Dollar as their reference point, and are supposed to keep their valuation as close as possible to $1…

  • Somali: How Cryptocurrencies Can Protect Citizens Against (Hyper)Inflation

    Somali: How Cryptocurrencies Can Protect Citizens Against (Hyper)Inflation

    Cryptocurrencies are often associated with strong price fluctuations that some argue make them unusable as day-to-day spending currencies. However, the reality is that the world’s leading digital currency bitcoin has helped to act as a store of value and as an alternative currency in countries that are suffering from high levels of inflation and weakening…

  • Mogadishu Exchange Seat Fetches Record High

    Mogadishu Exchange Seat Fetches Record High

    Mogadishu Exchange has sold a single membership seat for $10,000 the highest bid price in its young history. MogEx Sold 5 Seats in Mogadishu. Mogadishu Exchange will become the First Crypto exchange in Sub-Saharan Africa to take such an initiative. The Mogadishu Exchange aims to launch in the second half of 2019 and wants to…
